Monday, February 12, 2007

The News


Turner Broadcasting ready to pay for Boston sign scare, CEO steps down...

I am sure that bloggers have heard of this incident. I do understand but do not respect the officials involved in this matter.

I understand that mobile devices with electric parts could initiate a incendiary device. Do we start looking at all devices? Where was the city's intel? After the first device was removed, did they not think to involve other personnel in the investigation? Many more questions I wanted answered by our multiple news stations and their 24 hour coverage, however they were to busy speaking of Anna's death, so they could not really do any reporting on questionable behavior of city officials. No conspiracy theory, just liberals being dumb. *Next week is the conservatives turn to be dumb and or outright stupid.

Update (Tuesday):
*Due to the conservatives not waiting their turn... their stupid behavior has been moved up to Tuesdays post... with it still being the beginning of the week... I am sure there will be plenty more retarded happenings in the country, please stay tuned.

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