Thursday, February 15, 2007

Please tell me... some one... anyone.


How come Emo has not died? If you like Emo... good for you... where do you live *writing down address and contacting the hitman* kidding.

Dangerous Muse is one such band that seems to be very emo'ish., the very people that let me post my style here is showcasing these guys on the dashboard. I respect that... even if it is music I do not like. Yet that also gives me the power to ridicule Dangerous Muse.

Horrible stuff IMO. However what is that worth? let me check *looks up my opinion worth on google* yep, I would have to pay some one for my opinion to matter. We all have tastes and my tastes have been chemically burned from my body after hearing these guys play music. They are so bad that some one needs to hit me with shovel, probably one of there fans will be glad to do this for me.

My lyrics for an emo song:

"I cry alone, I bleed alone, I die alone" *then lets several young men and women touch me suggestively for the music video, while I play my keyboard guitar, don't worry I am not bisexual I am just emo* "Why do girls hate me?" *tons of women touching me why I sing this line for the music video*

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