Thursday, May 10, 2007



Dear Demon,
Hamell is currently hard at work staging his one man show The Terrorism Of Everyday Life but we make sure he hears about the "pertinent" things, a category you fall into. He said to feel free to use anything you want, "spread the word" and if you make a million buy him a car.
Good luck and thanks for your interest in Hamell On Trial.
Best, Emily @ Such-A-Punch Media
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:50 AM
Subject: Response from

realname: Demon
Message: Holy shit... you made me spit my coffee out when I heard the song heat. You are one funny, intelligent, clever fucking bastard. You even let us listen to whole freak'in songs (how did you do that, record labels are such pieces of shit for the most part - money grubbing whores). If it was not for I would never have heard you. Fuck radio, internet radio man... no FCC keeping me from hearing you. I will be more then shocked if you reply, no band has yet to do this that I know of. May I host the songs you have listed? My blog does not have THAT much traffic and I will link back to this site and give you credit and an up and running logo that does above mentioned link back. Do yo have a logo I can use or do you just want me to make one. So dude how about it? Please and all that shit. If ya don't reply back, I will go ahead and link you (above mentioned plan) and then you can sue me or reply and tell me fuck no and that is cool too. Hell I will give you the 10 cents in my pocket. You ever going to come and play in maine?

Damn right I will buy him a car if I get a million dollars. I know he did not reply, and some one else did, but that is still pretty freak'in cool. Yeah I can spread the word. I am such a fan of this dude within one day. He got some mad skill. You can find this dudes music all over my blog. When you come to my blog one of his songs start playing right off the bat. If you do not like him, fill out your personal information, telephone number and I will make sure something is done for you. *thinks about homosexual dominator or S&M dating websites* So yeah. Have a good day and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn Demon!
well, u got me fucken jealous.
lol, well, hope to see u on crackdown or gears. Later


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