Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Demon is an ass.


I deleted my blog off blogmad.net

This was not well taken by people within the shoutbox. Last night I was accused of being a dick because I did not want to change my auto-play feature on my music. I did change it. Now you have to select a song for it to play. This morning when I went to actually go through the steps to turn off my blog and probably keep my account active for when or if I return. However, I was met with more opposition. People really do not like it when you don't bow to conformity. My statement was not rude this morning. I said hello to the moderator and told her what I was doing... taking down my blog. I was called petulant.


  1. Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish.
  2. Contemptuous in speech or behavior.

Why? Did I piss on some one? belittled them or was rude? Nope I was not. Yet people really do not like it when you make any kind of waves, especially for a group that the person(s) in question belong to. I decided that this means I needed to terminate my account as I won't be returning.

However that is not the only point... I got nothing out of blogmad.net... besides meeting Aria and Carrie, so it was worth the experience.

It was fun while it lasted at poor blogmad, as it has succumbed to little or no surfing and the few people that do go through that many site obviously could get irritated with my auto-play music due to seeing my blog 47 times in under an hour. Now they never need worry.


carrie said...

i've been banned from their shoutbox too because they say that putting your blog address in the shoutbox is spamming even if you only do it once and i told them they should prominently place that rule right by where people are about to hit enter so they know that they are not supposed to do that. DUH. so they banned me. they are idiots. i think moderators of sites like that think they are the queen of england or some shit.

that is the second traffic exchanged

carrie said...

site i've been banned from. sorry i forgot to finish that!

Demon32 said...

Yeah... Endy, the mod who sits in the shoutbox who has always been nice to me. Thinks I was being all snob'ish, but wtf ever. I bend to no ones rules unless they are my Lady, boss, bills, and parenting stuff... other then that, people can kindly go fuck themselves.

I no longer will hook myself up to traffic exchange sites...I do not believe it makes that much of a difference.

carrie said...

i think traffic exchange sites where you surf for traffic like that are going the way of the dinosaur. it's all about social networking sites now.

Shawn C. said...

See what happens when I am gone? I have a lot of catching up to do on people now that I have my new computer. I'll see you around the blogosphere!

murray said...

it's all bollocks. all this traffic whoring and popularity contest shit. at least that's my totally uneducated opinion formed about something i've only noticed in the corner of my eye from the sidelines. in other words i have no fucking idea and should shut the hell up. isn't it cool how i censure (but not censor) myself in real time? no? okay.

you're such a bad girl, carrie. getting banned everywhere.

Kiley said...

That really blows, Demon. I think it was ridiculous to call you petulant as well (go fucking figure, eh?). Blogmad is going to crap anyway, and I agree, traffic exchange sites are a waste of time anymore. Fuck them...but you know what? I'm really pleased to have gotten to meet you there as well!



Anonymous said...

awww, JR ... why ya gotta take everything so serious dude? perhaps it is just your personality online, but the way you were talking did seem petulant to me (peevish would have been my definition ... tho it did seem a bit unreasonable to fuss about something that's in the terms of service). i'm sorry to see you decide to go, but free spirits often have this battle.

i tend to agree with several of your commenters, tho ... seems like the social networking sites, crappily designed as most are, are the way to go rather than traffic exchanges. of course, the traffic exchanges were crappily designed at first too.

oh, and i didn't think you were being snobbish ... just didn't get why you were fussing about stuff that's in the terms of service. ah well, as you say, WTF ever.

Blueyes said...

Man talk about missing things, who am I gonna be combative with in there now? LOL

Demon32 said...

Carrie you are a cute creature and are kinda funny... I always to be a man eating dinosaur...

Shawn - I thought you were going to be MIA forever. I am glad that you are back. yep see ya around. Personally, if I was you (due to laziness this would be my plan) write on a notepad via computer with a generic message saying "hey I am back and you have gotten my generic message, I will see you around and all that jazz" then just cut and paste it to everyones comments.

aria - *thinks about getting fresh, then realizes women, baby, kid, then thinks I can still admire the scenery* Hey Aria you, I am glad to have you among my ranks as blog warriors. Yes I called us warriors, I am that lame.

Endy - Thank you beautiful for stopping by. I am all good and jazz. Hey I have no problem with you. I vented and am now fine. I mentioned you in my radio show. I call it my cheap ass radio show. Please listen... but make sure all easy suicide options are not in the immediate vicinity.

Blue - come on by here and tackle me with that verbal wit of pure blue power of the gods! I remember my first sentences to you

Blue - I hate black backgrounds
Me - I have a black background
Blue - they hurt my eyes
Me - My blog wants to feel sexy, it needs the black to feel sexy, don't you want my blog to look sexy?
Blue - how can you even argue that?
Me - my blog is sexy

Tammy Wilson said...

methinks they are members of the Uptight Citizens Brigade

Jod{i} said...

Dang I am not sure what I am upset more by that I missed this, that I wasnt mentioned or ...or...

No I was being all silly...

Albeit glad to read you say you are all good..Is good to hear. Yet as a mod, I think that we dont feel we are queen or top whatever blah blah...

Sigh, you will be missed...who else will get my stupidity?


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