Monday, May 7, 2007

I lied.


I was going to do another radio thing, but not right now. I need more privacy to commit myself.

I have some questions -

What would you the listeners like to hear? Do you have any questions, things you want me to address?

I really would love some input, it would help keep me on track.


  1. I removed, because it no longer displayed correctly (the way I wish). In the future I may put it back.
  2. I believe this is the best system for finding music. It really does work most of the time. If you click on Pandora it will have my music on it. I suggest making your own Free account. The two act as one. Go to first.

I need more coffee and commit to work. Have a pleasant day. I know I will.

I completed my Cheap Ass Radio show.

- Gender (differences, equal, but different)
- Decisions
- Loving the light, by knowing the bad
- people who let their mental ilnness overcome
- Flirting
- women/me flirting with them
- how guys do not like me
- Parenting - gender identification

None of this is in order. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I like to hear obscure opinions on things - your voice keeps me interested...I need some caffeine...

carrie said...

listened to the radio show...
i took a class in the psychology of gender and it was a discussion class and the main conclusion of the class is that there are no INHERENT differences based soley on gender. they are all socially created.

also... i think that in studying culture and its development everything is really changing at an exponentially increasing rate. the internet makes this happen.

speech impediment? i don't detect it.

that contrast/perspective thing is too true.

you should maybe put on the blogpost how many minutes the thing will be so we'll know if we can listen to the whole thing y'know?

thanks tho, that was interesting to listen to. there are some guys who like to talk the way you do.... don't give up hope on all of them. i've known a few. but yeah, they probably tend to talk more with women as women are 'talkers'

Demon32 said...

"no INHERENT differences based soley on gender."

okay fine. Thousands of years of control by men. Is that better?

Kiley said...

Awesome audio post, as usual. :-) I found your take on mental illness to be particularly interesting...please keep this up as a regular thing!


choochoo said...

You just reminded me that I haven't had my usual five-cup-quota of coffee today. Studying makes me forget the important stuff...

carrie said...

now i wanna make my own radio show. i'll mention you if i do.

Demon32 said...

Princess - you make me blush.

Carrie - You would be great at it. I did not invent it, in fact I was inspired by another guy named Jeckles. Yes Jeckles.

I am all into getting your voice out there. It is all about exposure and it is fun.

You are a beauty. I would ask if you need any help, but it does not seem like you would. you are rather clever and probably understand all things technical more then myself. If you find a better hosting place, let me know :) Free - I hope.

Aria - thank you for the words. I really like doing it. I know what it is to have an infliction of the mind. It causes problems for me, but I do not talk about them with people. I have had no therapy or medications since I was 18. Some days are not so bad. Other days I have a hard time being kind, by that I mean I come off cruel and it is hard not to. Dark side stuff...

ChooChoo - what do you think of my radio show. Do you listen to it. Does it suck, or bore you? Input :D

me said...

ugh. i can't listen to it. sigh.

Demon32 said...

Kitten - Read the post above this one.


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