Friday, May 25, 2007

I thought this would be cool, because I have brain tumors.


Update - yep. I am not "pure" watch out people.

You Are 44% Pure

You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure.
You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear!

I was taking a walk down memory lane and found myself thinking... what happened to all the shows I grew up with? They all went away. So I brought back their introductions or other people did and now I am just piggy backing on their hard work. I find myself actually laughing at some of these and genuinely missing others. 80's themes were rather bad weren't they?

Dude Thundercats!

I wonder if this guy gets laid much?

Fraggle Rock


carrie said...

i was 33% pure and my sis was 31%.
i told her i felt paranoid answering it., like,,, who is REALLY asking these questions? hahah

hellakellz said...
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carrie said...

kelly had a busy friday night, i see.

Demon32 said...

see how easy that was? Now she gone

Hey Carrie :D

so how about why ya got 33%... I mean you can tell me *clicks play on the recorder* start anytime you are ready. kidding.

Kiley said...

HAHA! I'll have to take that purity test for a whirl and see what I get. :-)

Tammy Wilson said...

I found some videos of Fraggle Rock - my kids dig it and it's my ringtone when they call :). I personally liked HR Puffinstuff and Land of the Lost.

Demon32 said...

Aria - let me know.

Tammy - yeah, nothing like the old school. :)

me said...

When I was little, fraggle rock scarred the crap out of me!
I'm not sure just did! How odd :)


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