Update 5/17/07 - Work In progress. Click on it. yes it is creepy.End of Update. listen to my radio show below... please :-)
My Cheap Ass Radio Show
Duration: 23 minutes
I talk about the following:
Blue Eyes
My feelings toward them and then I forget what I am talking about. This is always a reoccurring theme. I admit I am an ass or rather peevish.
My own self inflated ego and admit that I am an attention whore. I would be an attention prostitute but in order for that title to pass I need to make money doing this.
Blogs, political blogs, and my dislike for them. Not understanding either side of the fence, finding that the issues surrounding our government and the people that comprise it do not really care about us, only themselves.
My feelings on: The war on drugs, Gun Control, Laws, Decency, and Fascist behavior
Understand that none of this maybe in order. I do not stay on topic and at best my speech and topics are not coherent. Yet please grab a cup of coffee and some headphones, put your feet up and chill.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hey I have to edited this, because I think it looks lame.
Badly Written by
10:12 AM
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I love the sounds of your voice - it's mesmerizing....and I would talk for hours if given the opportunity..
Thank you.
I would listen... you should do your own radio show. :D
I am back! Miss me?
I am having issues with the computer and need to put my blog to invite only for a bit. I've invited no one. Haven't had time to look up everyone's email address yet. Will do eventually, but am super busy with work right now.
Are you on a roll!??
Your'e voice sounds really cool! I enjoyed hearing your views, I wish life was that easy :)
here are the notes i jotted down while listening yesterday... missed the last couple of minutes...
1. nobody likes autoplay sound because it can startle sensitive souls who may've forgotten to turn off their speakers which are inexplicably turned up to full blast. or it can interfere with the speakers if they are listening to something else... or whatever.
2. i don't like rules much either. i'm also a rebel without a cause.
3. i feel like i HAVE to listen to these radio shows or i'll be left out of the loop on the whole convo.
4. i think societies DO define marriage and that marriage DOES define us.
p.s. i had to look up libertarian cuz i really didn't know what it was exactly and you really didn't say... (i don't think so anyway)
here is one def.
The libertarian, or "classical liberal," perspective is that individual well-being, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by "as much liberty as possible" and "as little government as necessary."
a list of definitions of libertarianism here:
Kitten - of course I missed you.
Nomas - If I am not rocking, I am certainty rolling.
app - agreed Things are never that easy. There will always be problems no matter how government is handled.
Carrie - you are a smart cookie... I am not. I am more of the olestra kinda chips...
Replies to the numbered statements
1. don't care.
2. I certainly qualify for without the "cause"
3. I do post other things besides the radio show. Always understand you do have choices and what decisions you make are your own.
4. I disagree. However that is the beauty of debate. I decide that I define what things mean to me and to hell with societies acceptance of said things - this has become a hurtle in many ways for me. I accept this.
P.S. from carrie - I do not have the patience or the time to educate political parties - what they stand for, what affiliations do what. That is not my style. Education is the choice of the person. I owe no sense of quality and or ... anything to anyone. I state my party affiliation only to have something to talk about (it gets hard to find a rut to speak on). I am not a professor , nor a tutor of any kind. I do not get paid for this. This is something I do for fun. Excellent job googling and or researching the definition, I expect it was not hard to find.
Thank you all for listening. I will be posting my next radio show later next week... maybe later. who knows.
i enjoyed the show and i like your voice and you are interesting to talk to and i am sorry that i am the way that i am focusing on analyzing and forgetting to be nice.
Carrie you do not have to apologize for anything. I love having you as a blog friend. There is nothing wrong with you, hon. You are fine the way you are. You are a beauty as in mind and body and please never forget it.
Heya Demon, I'm listening to the radio show now as I get ready to go out for the evening (celebrating my ex-bf's birthday with him; don't ask, it's weird: we see each other more since I dumped him than we did before, 'cause I have issues with commitment).
Surf sites: if you feel up to it at all, Blog SOldiers and Blogazoo are both very good and very tolerant places; I suggest you give them a shot!
Political blogs: I agree that they can be scary things indeed...I ran one for a year or so but got rid of it due to the fact that it was becoming a little bit more than I could take. Though I'm often accused of being liberal (which I guess I am more than anything else), I'm also pro-gun rights and pro-death penalty and anti-amnesty for illegal immigrants. Quite a mix, eh?
Well, now I see that I have babbled on forever, so I'm going to finish listening to the show and check back at ya later. :-)
Take care,
Kiley - what you speak of, is what I wish most people would do. Not so much what you believe in, but that you do run the gamut... I respect that. Extremist behavior in the parties that comprise congress frighten me and nothing is as black and white as they make it out to be. You seem to understand that, having "political party jumper ideals" is a good thing, nobody is completely blue or red... nobody should be. however as a commenter said "if only life would be that easy"
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