Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Shut up, the topic line was not emo.


I am do for a smoke soon. I am drinking another cup of coffee. I see myself burning out my blood stream, nervous system, lungs, brain, and moral and ethical ability to care for others needs. However that day has not come yet... until it does, I will be - Demon and fine.
Kitten I am sorry you have been unable to listen to my Cheap Ass Radio show, however the noise pollution I create, kills dolphins. So maybe it is a good thing. If I could, I would create an identity drop box and use my ninja agents to set headphones in it. You would have a key delivered by two highly trained Ex-CIA agents that would allow you to open your drop box and retrieve said item.
Remember when you can to check out my music station. It good music. Or so I think so.
I will do another radio show soon. Carrie - I will post the duration time of the show, I will also continue to state whatever I cover in my radio show.
People seem kinda blue today (as have I)... so I thought these pictures would make people smile, as they do make me smile.


Kiley said...

Can't wait for the next radio show! They really are good...and in my opinion done much better than others I have heard online.

See ya around, I'm leaving in the morning for my trip so may be scarece...but never entirely gone. ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey, wassup u little......wait...i cant say that.
ok, so i just put up a comment, im also about to leave for school as well. so ill see u later demon. ill cya on crack/gears.Later

Demon32 said...

Aria - You make me blush. Why are mine so much better? I will not lie, I like that people dig my voice and my show.

Sam/little dude - This is a good kid, ladies. Treat him nice.

How ya doing ya little bastard? My lady thought you looked like a nice young man... and I laughed at her. Just giving ya shit.

We can play Gears tonight... Crackdown is fun and all, but I want to hack the shit out of Locust with a chainsaw *takes medication*

Demon32 said...

You call me emo you, but you link to nickelback... sad, so sad.

me said...

nice pics!

Kiley said...

Heya Demon (greetings from Texas now!). :-) As far as I'm concerned, your show is better than any others I have heard in that...aside from having an incredible voice...it is actually INTERESTING: you manage to carry on a chat in such a natural manner that I almost feel as though I'm sitting there having a conversation with you over coffee. :-) That's somewhat of an odd way to describe it, but perhaps you get the idea.

carrie said...

same here. what ariadne says. it's like hangin on the porch with a friend.


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