Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Look all the red ones, blue ones, and the little green ones too.


Radio Show
Duration: 29:22

Problems via each person, including myself and my own personal issues.

  • Then the issues that surround our society and the people comprise it
  • How people use their personal issues as a standpoint for political beliefs, actions against others, and control over people.
    • My respect or lack there of, when people make blanket comments without nothing to back it up.
  • I let something personal about myself slip.


Point Dexter said...

its like an audio blog. Love it!

Point Dexter said...

By the way, what's wrong with donkey/midget porno? jk

Thank you for introducing Pon and Zi to me! They're so twisted. Love 'em.

Demon32 said...

Pon and Zi - are very amazing, they inspire me.

one of my friends had a blow up sheep once... I did not ask any questions. I just told him I did not not want to sit near it.

Point Dexter said...

Dude, I feel like I know all of your secrets now that I know your real name. Ha. Nice to meet you. I'm Nicole.

Demon32 said...

So ya know about what happened behind that store on my 14th birthday? Just don't tell anyone... how much do you want?

Nice to meet you, I am Demon. :D

Ophelia Mourne said...

1. Sales pitch was perfect ;o)

2. this blog brings out the undiagnosed A.D.D. in me.

3. I will be back too. don't feel bad if my short term memory loss kicks in and I forget until you visit my blog again and it reminds me of yours. (rambling strike #1)

me said...

name, what name?

whores. excellent.

i do like to focus on myself. it's the least i can do for me.
i've certainly avoided that focus before and needed to address it.
blog is a good creative outlet huh?
kinda theraputic... ;)

fucked up law in GA: you are not allowed to have a donkey in your bathtub. i kid you not! what if you need to clean your donkey? hmmm?

good show.

Demon32 said...

Ophelia - I am glad you dig the blog. It is a bit heavy with all the media action isn't it? I like to think it inspires the ADD afflicted to be more ADD. :)

Kitten - focusing on ourselves is important. We need to accept ourselves before we believe we can make society better.

My blog is certainly my creative outlet. Fucked up laws are really funny to me.

about the donkey - what are you suppose to do once they are in a porn? Do they stay dirty?

carrie said...

i am going to argue with some of your points cuz that is just what i do... so please don't take offense. it is meant to be 'for fun' but also i like to disagree with people.

as far as 'belief' goes:
you can believe what you want but you shouldn't really say for sure that you refuse to believe something that you don't really know everything about. i do not mean to pressure you into believing anything... actually belief seems like a way of limiting oneself from discovering new information.

also, in my past experience, therapy is more about me paying someone to listen to me vent for an hour every week so that i don't have to 'vent' on everyone else. :-) their experience in listening well and offering insights is what i look for and trust.
also, they do keep me from continuing on in fooling myself into thinking that i don't have to be responsible for my choices and their consequences. a nice 'reality check' for me.

i ahve all this to say after only three minutes of listening. oy.

me said...

i guess those donkeys stay dirty in GA, but clean in other states...?
no se!

carrie said...

do i give them the power? or did they steal it from me?


but ultimately, you have to give it away in order for it to be taken. in the end.

Demon32 said...

Carrie - As I said in the chat. I believe you to be one of the most interesting people I know. Wait that is not what I said. I said I enjoyed that you were combative at times and that is all the more interesting.

Kitten - Donkey porn reform! They need equal rights as all porn stars have. Time to stand up for the right of Donkeys. Even unclean ones.

Kiley said...

As usual, an excellent radio show...even if you did have the personal slip-up. ;-)


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