Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Nicole showed me the whitest kids and I have to say... they are funny


Point Dexter said...

Oh god, I'm in love with these guys!


You introduced Pon and Zi Comics to me, and I introduced you to the White Boyz.

We rule.

Pawleeen! said...

Oy, I could have sworn my name was Pauline? :P

Demon32 said...

Nicole, Pauline - yes you did show me 'this' clip, but I knew of the whitest kids from nicole. When you mentioned it - it was about pcp and I had no idea what that was about, then I was like "oh the whitest kids" or I can remember who showed me first.

So okay to set the record straight. Pauline and Nicole have equal credit in exposing me to a very funny show.

Have a fun filled action packed day people.

me said...

oh d23, so diplomatic!

Point Dexter said...

I never learned how to share... game on!

carrie said...

such drama ;-)

Point Dexter said...

*puts fists up*


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