Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Several bullets look cool on a blog post.


  • I could not find my USB cable all weekend. It did not matter really, due to the fact that my cable modem died on me. I still would have been late in uploading the sound bite, so yeah I broke my promise even if nothing else went wrong. My bad.
  • I can not find that stupid cable anywhere. I am beginning to be believe I am cursed. However there is a silver lining to all of this. My co-worker who lives down the street from me has an mp3 player just like my own. She will be allowing me to use your gear for my own device. Sweet.
    • Speaking of my radio show - I would like to offer all of you a radio show question. You can ask me anything you want and I will answer it during my radio show, plus post my original show. So please hit me up. Ask me what my thoughts are on a topic (you may not get much back in return) I will mention your blog and where to find to it. During the radio show. Getting interactive.
  • I will not be posting another promise for a while, I have denounced the word promise from my usage. Sorry for not following through and I hope I can make it up to all of you.


Shawn C. said...

Interactivity is a good thing. Where do I find your radio show?

No Mas said...

Have you heard about the new laptop computer cards that allow you to carry your computer everywhere and use it? I know that Cingular is selling them now, as well as some others. It costs about $50 for the card with a 2 year contract and then $around $50 a month. With my satellite internet service being such a drag, I am definately thinking about switching to this!

Shawn C. said...

Nomas before you make the switch make sure that you are in range of their 3G network coverage. I made this switch a few years back only to be highly disappointed with the service because I was just outside of the 3G network range. If you are within the 3G broadband network then you get great connections and speeds, otherwise it can be a real hassle.


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