Monday, July 9, 2007



I am back. However very busy. Don't have the internet at home till the 20th. I am work catching up on all the stuff that has built for two weeks (at work)

I am a home owner now... I feel complete... in that aspect.

I still have a job. My continued employment looks good.

Thank you all for being supportive and kind. I would have replied to each one of you on the previous post, just too busy.

I will post a better post soon. I will make my rounds to your blogs later today or tomorrow. Take care. Thanks for all the support. :D



Point Dexter said...

Glad to hear things are good. Congrats on being a home owner! Doesn't it suck? Ha. I'm pretty overwhelmed at the moment as well. But that's life, or so they say. Not quite sure who "they" are, but it sounded appropriate to say.

Anywho! Looking forward to your wittisms and future radio shows.

Appletini said...

It's good to have you back.... CONGRATS on the home! :)
I hope that all is well!

carrie said...


me said...

congrats on the home and the keeping of the job!
glad to see you back :)

Demon32 said...

Nicole - Owning a home makes me feel complete. "that is life" - my 6 year old told me that line when I was angry about work and he over heard me ranting to my lady. It made me giggle (yes I do giggle, not like a school girl though, like a manly school girl maybe)

apple drink (every time I see your name this is what I want to call you - even though I come off sounding special): Everything is well. I started birthing education classes with my lady last night. The instructor took out a muppet nipple. very interesting.

Carrie - coming from you... you made me laugh, that would not be a problem... but I was drinking my coffee. I can't picture your voice carrying that level of ... sound.

Kitten - thank you hon, much appreciated. I am live farther away now... but now live in a locality that I can deal with... my old stomping grounds. It is good to have a home.

me said...

it is nice to have a home :)
very satisfying stuff.


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