Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I am looking through the glass and can see myself on the otherside.


Me and Lady (my girlfriend) have been together for some time. Yet never have I experienced this any one person with what I experienced with her a few weeks ago.

She was sleeping in bed. I was playing video games. It was late at night, probably around 2:00 am. I slipped into bed, thinking myself none the wiser. I laid down next to her and was about to fall asleep, when I get hit in the arm by her and she sits right up in bed.

"Honey what are you doing!" Me
"Demon, where is it!?" Her
"Where is what?" Me "why are you hitting me?"
"where did you put it!?" Her
"uhhh put what" I am groggy and not with it.
"My vagina" Her
I could not begin to understand what she just asked me and almost started cracking up right there.
"Did you check under the couch?" Me
"No!" She laid back down and did not say another word.
I could not fall asleep for a while, trying to figure out what the hell that was all about. She had no memory of it the next morning. Still that is some funny shit.


me said...

ha. she lost her vagina and you put it somewhere!

carrie said...

woah! that is frickin' awesome!

Appletini said...

Her vagina! Interesting.... what DID you do with it?
That is hilarious!

Demon32 said...

Normally when I steal vagina's I give them back the next day... She gave me dead arm when she hit me... I still get a laugh out of it.


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