Is getting older suppose to suck, when does that switch happen? It was on the 17th and instead of being happy, I was angry... angry for things I am not willing to talk about, other then the emotion itself. When I was a kid I thought adults had it all figured out, I mean it was sold to me that way. Now that I am here... shit.
So yeah I have been bummed on the 17th and after. I withdrew not just from my blog, but my lady, little dude, friends and family.... not nice I know.I am fine now. I had to balance the issues that raged on within my head and I have come out a better person... Just needed to balance my own issues and I did.
Random Useless News:
- I bought The Darkness
- I am going to be doing another radio show this week.
- I setup my living room more (we are unpacked, but not fully arranged- we are almost there)
- Going to a birthing education class after work tonight.
- Forced a stupid post that I deleted... I do not like writing a post out of a illogical feeling of obligation.
- Have friends over Saturday evening. It was fun.
- I watched Smokin' Aces - It was a very different movie. That is coming from me, trust me that is saying something.
- Did some images searches on Google that I am going to share with you now.

Tom Waits(about smoking): The beauty of quitting is, now that I've quit, I can have one, 'cause I've quit.
I am adding a new link on the right side of my blog. It is website that I really enjoy looking at it, the art is certainly up my alley. It is swathy... what does swathy mean? It is not a real word or atleast I do not believe it is.
- Swathy: Dark in medium, smoke, colors are bland but yet beautiful, simplicity of blotches and a darkness just under service that serves the content. It could almost be a food for the eyes... the way it hangs on to your brain...


I'm glad that you are back and doing better. It SUCKS when those things in our head get the best of us, huh?
Thank you.
yeah it does suck, but that is what we have (the war within ourselves)
That demon in our heads that makes sure we remember our failures and not our successes, that we remember every stinging word and not the praise.
I usually have to withdraw in order to gain control of my head and not let my illness over take me. It is hard, but worth it.
Appletini... you will always succeed in life, you have that strength.
My opinion of Smokin' Aces was pretty much the same. Different movie. I thought it felt short too.
Cool art.
My big 21st birthday is coming up. Wooptie doo. I doubt it'll be anything special. I was planning a three day blow out, but I wont be able to afford anything like that anymore. Not sure what's happening yet, and its in two weeks. At least we're past the pin-the-tail games and such. Although, we're also past the presents too. Damn it. You can't win.
agreed about the movie.
I had a melt down on my 21st birthday... I was heading nowhere and that was just four years ago. I was in a darker place with only my demons to keep this Demon company.
I am better now, how I would never trade that age for this one any day. However you have more going for you now then I did then.
My personal belief is that in general, from 21 onward, birthdays suck . . .until you reach 75, and then they can become cool again because you're still alive . . .unless you're in horribly bad health, and then I guess they would still suck. I guess you just can't win, huh?? :) Glad you're back!
Don't know much about Swathy, but I've always wanted to open a restaurant called The Swarthy Spaniard. Not sure anyone would eat there, but it sounds amazing.
Well.... i have been knocked down and trampled in the mud quite a few times, but I try not to let it get the best of me... but sometimes, it does.
I do, however, always try to learn something from it so that the probability of it happening again is slim :)
a very merry un-birthday to you!
since i am a day late
and a dollar short!
but if i'd not been so busy with a bunch of stuff and a broken laptop... argh!!
happy belated bday.
mine was yesterday. our birthdays are close.
Birthdays aren't so bad, in reality it's only one day older. I mean hell I am going to be 30 in a few months, but I don't feel anywhere near that age.
swarthy means dark. also has connotations of danger.
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