I have been tagged by Appletini for 10 fascinating random facts about me. This helps because I had no idea what to post about this morning. I think I have done something like this before, but that is okay... I need to write something.
1. I totally dig intelligent shows, like How it's made, Myth Busters, Bullshit, and Modern Marvels.
2. I love intense video games. I really enjoy hardcore games. This does not immediately mean violent (sometimes it is). It just means that the action is hot, heavy and intense as described above. I always find it fun and beyond exciting to watch moan at the mention of video games, then to watch them. They are not the Mario you used to remember. My father is like this, as are many of the middle generation. Most men dig the appeal too. The Hitman series is one such title that almost any guy (some women too maybe) could sink their teeth into. I like to see child like wonder in people when they see new generation gaming.
Example (taken from Gears of War):
You come out of a prison that is all but shattered due to war, only to find your exit is over taken by locust (the enemy). Your hope is to take cover from the intense fire fight that is about to occur, you slam your body up to a ledge blocking on coming fire. Helicopters are over head they are your allies, there is two of them, they are using heavy firing turrets of unknown caliber on the enemy. You can not stare too long, as on your left side you are being flanked by three locust, your cover is no longer helping you. One of the two helicopters takes a direct hit (you may not have seen it) but you hear the pilot screaming... you can not stop what you are doing, the enemy is still pressing you. Take cover at a new location, charge the enemy, don't stand still, as said before that cover you have stood behind has now been compromised and minus the guys flanking you, there is whole bunch more laying down suppressing fire in front of you...
Like I said: This is not Mario brothers
The little dude is not allowed to watch any of these.
3. I love clothing. I enjoy looking nice, I like being a young professional that sticks out. A different era of young professional. I love looking swank, however I am not a very gay ish like dude. I have no problems with masculinity, I do not get pedicures or do my nails. I just get dressed like I am going to the swing clubs of old, when speakeasys were the in thing.
4. I enjoy poker, Texas Hold'em is my favored kinda of card play and I like money. Gambling is rather stupid, but poker is more about skill then luck. That is why the same powerful gamblers are so famous, they make it to the last table almost every year, out of thousands of players.
5. I love having Bailey's Irish cream in my coffee, it is the stuff of heaven. I will usually have it when I go camping (yes I go camping, I live in New England) It is the perfect night cap after a day in the sun, swimming, and eating. A nice large cup of coffee with that inside... mmm does a body good. Just like smoking.
6. I like Old Spice body spray.
7. I love to read, fact check, read the news, find federal census records, I like reading laws and how they are worded (I know I am a dork) my favorite is sexual leering, staring at someone for over 10 seconds while making suggestive "eyes" at another person (cali baby) hahahaha.
8. I enjoy teaching the little dude and make it sound exciting. Imagination and science are one in the same for children, it is us that steals that from them. I bought the bud, an encyclopedia set at a yard sale(updated last in 1988) but for a 6 year old you would have thought I bought him a real monster truck. The point is me and him have been reading about a place, war, or invention, at least every other day before bed. He takes the books to summer camp with him... even though the other little kids think it is not cool. The bud said to me "Learning makes me smart how can that not be cool?" My heart melt. He rocks and I love to teach him with a passion that deserves his attention. "Bud what does 6+?=15?" He smiles "8?" "that is close" "9" Very good little dude.
9. I do not believe in pushing moral codes on other people and via versa.
10. I like chocolate. I love chocolate. I consume chocolate. chocolate gooooood. I have chick behaviors when it comes to the substance.
I will tag a few people later, need to get to work. :D Thanks Appletini.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Badly Written by
5:37 AM
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I am addictd to mythbusters and just about everythig on Discovery...I loved learning more about the secretive you....
I adore the scent of Old Spice. I know, old school, but you just can't beat it. Maybe, if I run into a guy wearing it today, I'll have to try out some sexual leering on him.
This was great!
OLD SPICE? My dad use to wear that :P
It's great that you take pride in your appearance..... I'm addicted to clothes AND shoes!
Like princess extraordinaire, I enjoyed reading about you :)
btw, you seem like a GREAT dad!
Very informative post. I love it when people get tagged. You get to learn different things about them. My dad also wore Old Spice so I am a sucker for it! My son has me hooked on Myth Busters and quite a few other Discovery Channel gems. I always read to my kids when they were little. Anything and everything! They are 16 and 18 now and still enjoy reading and learning about the world. Good job! You mentioned in an earlier post you had bought The Darkness. I love that game! Have you gotten into it much yet?
Princess secretive me? Am I that secretive? I would like to think so. Ya know that mysterious me... trust me I am so boring, I make coma patients bored. :D
Appletini Thank you for the compliments. I love being a dad, it gave me something. I am not sure how to describe it, I don't think I can. I captured a bat that got into our house over the weekend at 3:00 in the morning. The little dude and my lady were hiding in the bathroom while I captured it with a shirt and let it outside. I felt like such a hero... lol. I love that feeling.
Darkness Yeah I totally dig reading to my son. I dig that he looks at me like a hero and I am so strong. ha. I need to love that, because one day he will just look at me as his dad, but also just as another man.
The Darkness - I beat it, but still have plenty to achieve on it. What is your tag, ya got xboxlive? JoyousDemon23 is mine. look me up sometime. I loved the story, extremely intense... it got mixed reviews by readers and less then warm reviews from critics. I thought it was an ambitious project for a small developer. It rocked and continues to do so for me. Now you made me want to play it and I am work. Thanks for stopping by :D
Coco It cut you off. I would not forget you. I love it when I get Sexually leered at, bring it on. Any takers *even the crickets stop chirping* story of my life :P
i would like to say that i like english leather.
and i like how it's made
those were a good list of things about you.
I miss you and your scent of Old Spice and chocolate breath.
Doesn't that sound sexual?!
oh d23, we can be best friends and eat chocolate together forever! ha! good facts...thanks for sharing!
Carrie It was a good list? I tag you Carrie... it is your turn.
Nicole Have you been stalking me? If you have been, keep doing it. I wish I had a female stalker. That would be cool :D
Kitten I take it you like/love chocolate... ? I am glad you and everyone else enjoyed the tag. It was Appletini's doing.
Hey if you guys want to ask me questions or want to know anything, just ask. I will write a post about it. I like being asked because it gives me a direction to write about. Sometimes I run out of things to post about, as I did early when I posted about not posting.
Hey, you say that you like the Hitman series but I don't see it on your Xbox Live profile. Which one(s) did you play? You should try Hitman Blood Money - the missions are a helluva a lot of fun.
me and chocolate=bff
I have played hit man blood money, but it was for the xbox (the game was released for both xbox models) just no achievements for the xbox title, while there was for the 360.
I liked every mission, but my favorite was the violinist, he played so beautifully, until I used a fiber wire. Sad... to stop such music.
That title was one of the best I ever played. Yet it has always appeared that the hitman series was missing something.
kitten Sounds about right no? I have always enjoyed chocolate, it creates good feelings in the brain. Seriously look it up. It has active ingredients that help the brain fight depression.
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