Their PR guy was the shit. He hooked me up with some tunes and a .mov
The cover looks out right bat shit crazy (this MY opinion) like something out of the ether filled back alleys of old style New York. I love that album cover. It is pretty.
I want my readers to atleast visit their site, check out the mad skills this chica and her crew have.
My friend let me sample some of their shit not that long ago and it was delightful cup of wit, sarcasm, and mad skills. Just remember she watches tv to feel better.
1816 The Year Without Summer
1816 The Year Without Summer
This is an excellent site. It consists of the most amazing postcards. If you are laughing at the thought of postcards not being important, then you are gravely mistaken. Postcards, unlike emails have been around for hundred and hundreds of years. They communicated our histories as well as their general mission of conveying written words... Here are just a few. Check out Postcard Man


What? I was not there... all I know was one of the greatest of all time comedies was created.
Even if you saw the remake... see this one. It is/was great.
This concludes our session for today. I did not feel much like writing. So I thought I would showcase my unusual side just a little more.
I'm totally digging their tune. I wish they had another video on their website. I'll have to look on youtube.
As for The Producers, I haven't seen either one of them, but I have always wanted to. *updates Netflix account*
I love old postcards. There's something very interesting and almost creepy about them. I'm not sure why I think that . . .perhaps because I'm weird.
i agree with coco on the old postcards. but i LOVE them.
p.s. my blog's not private anymore.
The video was coool... eerie but cool. I think I've heard of them before.
Thanks for the postcard website. My mom is going to love it!
Nicole They greatly differ from song to song, defining signature is that cello is always apart of it. The Producers is Mel Brooks first film and no wonder he became a Hollywood comedic might.
coco You are not weird. You are just unique and that is always something to be proud of, no matter what age one is - it shows you have a strong sense of self. I think old posts card are a "through the looking glass" kinda feel and it can cause an odd feeling.
Carrie I commented on your blog. I dig the post card site, they also allow purchase... so if you want any super old postcards that could entail quite a price tag.
Appletini The music I enjoy is always slightly bitter, in visuals and or sound. I like things that brush away the top 40's and has lasting value or such a sound that no one has ever heard before.
As I told Carrie above... the postcards are available for purchase. You should buy her one :D
I meant your mom apple... not Carrie... even though I am sure she would love one too.
mary shelley and frankenstein dancing. nice.
I don't know that I would like the song as much as I do, if the visuals didn't accompany it. the song just wouldn't seem complete without it. it's such a story you know? And I guess I'm a visual person, so it suits me that way.
old postcards are fun.
I was just looking at the postcard website and I wanted to let you know my favorite section. So far it is the "dwarf" topic. There are dwarfs in there, but there are also bearded women, aged looking children, "fattest man in the world"...stuff like that. Carni stuff, which was cool, b/c I sure don't run into that every day!
i bought one or two yesterday at the thrift store. i don't think they are quite as old or interesting but i liked them anyhow.
they had some old ones but they were of victorian living rooms and no people in them or words on them.
I really liked the video and the song. And I am fascinated by the stories people would write on old postcards. Actually, I'm in the process of putting together some postcards of my photography :).
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