Definition for this post:
The System
- The database that holds all of the collective information for our agency that practices therapy. Images (scanned signatures and compliance policies), clinical data, etc.
When I use the system and I am moving at a few clicks, I feel like I am playing a symphony of vast proportions. I feel like I can make the system dance. I had a meeting with the big wigs yesterday, they said I was indispensable I never felt so good. Five years I have worked for this company, I am in my mid 20's and to hear this from two PHD's was beyond rocking. They also want to be taught how to use the system, I am their right hand man or so they told me.
I was told to slow down the last time I showed the chairman of the directors, what I do. Hahaha. It went something like this."I just cross referenced the last date of a client's session and compared it to the treatment plans last plan active date, then compared that to the cases termination date, and from there I deleted the the most recent treatment plan because it was not required, the provider terminated it too late, creating erroneous tx plans."
"You uhh, you did that fast and you did answer my question" then he looked at a co-worker and wiped his forehead "Why I am still confused then" He quipped.
When the company stabilizes I could be seeing a raise (there is no promotion, I am the only one that does what I do) but who knows in 20 years, maybe I would get a seat at the big guy and gal table... It appears I have impressed the powers that be.
I have also been busy dazzling them(the above mentioned) and working my ass off, we have 10 months to prepare for an audit and I do not want to fuck around. I need to get my shit done and there has been several wars with the therapists (they hate me for the most part) about getting their work done right the first several times.
I have been so busy and the baby could be coming any day now. I will post a picture of her. My baby Chloe (yes that is spelled correctly), my princess. soo many changes feel so scary and so good. I am a young professional, I never thought I would be here. Damn, feels so good and I am so proud to be where I am.
That's amazing-so many great things to be happy about!
(is there another "correct" way to spell Chloe? Not in my book.)
Wonderful to hear you've impressed the big whigs. What's next? The world?
Early congrats on your baby girl!
You should be very, very proud of yourself. You are going to make an excellent father. I'm so happy for you!
a terrific time in your life.
savor it.
even good things can be stressful tho.
i wish you the best!
congrats on the good words from work!
the only other way i would think to spell chloe, would be with an ë or would it be with an ö? chlöe chloë.
i don't know. i'm just excited you're having a baby and that I figured out how to put those dots on top of the vowels in chloe!
Aww! I am so proud of you too :) Man, we need you at our agency.
Coco Thank you coco, hon. yet I fear as well. I am always concerned for the well being of my family, not so much myself.
Nicole Thank you. The little dude thinks I am a superhero and that feeling just never leaves you. :D It feels good to be a hero.
Carrie You are correct. I fear my bubble will burst. I feel like my life will set to fire any minute. I feel like I could lose everything at any minute. Pressure. Yet I am happy and scared. I am not being bipolar in my thinking... it just depends on who I listen to more. My Demon or Me. Yes everything is exciting and I can only hope everything will work out. I have some funny news to share, well it is not really funny. Kinda ironic though.
Kitten you are so kind and cute. Yeah I got bitched at this morning (the good feelings never last) by my supervisor who appears as if she wants push her title over us.... wait this will be for my next post. Grrr. I will add this now: I think she felt like a bitch at the end of ragging on me, our programming guy, and pay roll gal. Of course the only one that had to say anything was me. I like confrontation and do not shy away when I get pissed/done nothing wrong, BUT have the nice witty behavior that gets me into trouble. okay that is enough for now. I am not writing am article even though I have.
Appletini I work alone though, I mean minus what I said, my supervisor is not really a supervisor. She has no clue what I do, so she stays out of my way and besides a few key figures... I work alone almost all the time. I am a people person to a degree, yet I have a hard time working with others. Can ya imagine that? Me having a hard time working with others? Thank you though. you are sweet to say so.
I will post about supervisor sometime today or tomorrow. Telling the complete story. I posted the good news (this one) and see what happens. Nothing big comes of it. I do not get any trouble, just made Supervisor lady feel stupid. I am good at that.
Congrats on impressing at your job. :) I always go crazy when I get any kind of compliment from my superiors. Although when I tell people they just look at me like, "so?" :(
As much as people like to mock and ridicule the young professional with the house, the wife, and the kid I think a lot of people wouldn't mind being loved, respected, and appreciated as well as having enough money to not stress about it.
About worrying that it can fall apart at any minute - I do that too, but it really can fall apart at any minute because I am a contractor and I will need to look for work again in 5 months when my contract is up. I have no security and must always work to maintain my lifestyle. On the upside by the time I'm bored with a place I move on to new challenges.
- Kim
kim Sorry I did not get onto chat via xboxlive. I did see the message. Yet I was no mood to talk to anyone, not just you. I was not talking to my lady, my tenant, nor anyone last night. If I started to converse with you and not my lady, there would have been... problems.
I can only imagine about that kinda work. Me, I have a stable income and profession and rarely have to worry about finding additional work. However I do worry that one day, my company will go under. We are non profit, we all cut paychecks and that is it... there is no money in the bank kinda thing . We have a credit line and some assets but not a lot. So if hard times hit us, we fear it.
Sorry you were in a bad mood. If you think it won't make things worse you are always welcome to talk to me. I consider myself a good listener.
Hey, if you could read more of my blog and comment it would mean a lot to me. I'm really curious as to what your reactions and thoughts would be since you're so different from most of my other readers and from myself. I know you're busy so I won't expect it right away, but just whenever you can find the time. :)
KimIt took me some leg work, but I did what you ask. :D I commented on your jazz and will continue to do so. I will keep my accounts on them sites, but not use them. I like my blog and will continue to use my accounts just to be able to comment on the jazz that is you.
Thank you :)
I like babies and I like smokes!!!
Yay for you!! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to get the recognition you deserve at the work place?!! Take a moment and enjoy the feeling because I'm sure work will be intruding too soon.
Since there has been no update, or posting about the Supervisor lady, I am hoping that maybe Chloe has arrived? There is NOTHING on this earth as awesome as a child! And the best part is the feelings just keep getting stronger as every day goes by. I know you are already experiencing this with little dude and now you will have a beautiful baby girl to add to the mix! Sometimes my children make me feel like my heart is just going to burst with emotion! They truly are the most precious gift you will receive!
OH! Don't forget the pictures!!!
if you could bottle that new baby smell and sell iton the open market you would be rich...
i remember the anyday feeling well. enjoy sleep while you can.
trust me. i'm sooo freaking tired.
Seriously, update? Please?
Has baby made an appearance yet??
DEMON! we are kind of anxious for news. :-)
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