Thursday, September 20, 2007

Do you feel safe? I do, but then again this does not surprise me.


Below are all live security cameras that watch the masses, no they are not porn oriented, even though I do not control the content that you are viewing. These cameras and more are available to any who can find them and even control them, taking snapshots, rotation, etc. Pretty cool huh? Yeah I did not think so, but what a day and age we are in huh? <---- good view. Very pretty, not in America. <--security camera to a store? yep. That is what it is.

This one is the funniest. I was messing with the pan and zoom, also making it move funny... and people pointed at it! hahaha.

copy and paste the above addresses into your browser. Pretty crazy if you ask me.


Appletini said...

Again, my technologically challeneged mind is having trouble with this... do I need to download something?

Demon32 said...

You should not have to download anything. I would suggest not to download any material to view the cameras. I stumbled on to this(finding the live feed camera stuff) and am not completely educated in this kinda of software (live feed cameras) and that means I am rather not trusting of it. If you really want to see the images (parks, pet stores, London streets, etc) email me. I will hook you up with all that I can.

Point Dexter said...

This is crazy! Ha, this will keep me busy at work :)

I don't think its a violation of privacy or anything, but it is a little creepy.

When Darkness Falls... said...

This is really fun! But, I kinda feel like a peeping Tom! ;)

Appletini said...

My computer has a virus...... ugh! (not from this, by the way)
I won't be viewing ANYTHING this week ;)

me said...

The links didn't work for me either... hmm...

How are you D23?
I saw Cake last weekend and thought of you :-)

They played pretty much every song I wanted to hear. "We are building a religion."

Anonymous said...

Scary - I wonder if I'm on one of them with my skirt flying way over my head in a gust of wind (it happened yesterday...) So not cool...


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