Monday, September 10, 2007

I adjust with time.


I found this non lame bored site. Many sites exist, but suck. This one is nice. Staying up at odd hours and not being able to sleep provides opportunity for finding unique gems.

This is my avatar. I got it off the website. Just ctrl (hold) then press (prt scr) Print Screen. Then open up MSpaint, and then click paste (under edit) then some basic art tools.

See the site does what it is intended to do. Entertain you and keep you busy (even though I am busy enough)

Here is the site.

Here is the avatar page.

I have additional sites available (that I have known about for some time) I will link them later in the week.

Chloe giggled last night when I made it. My lady was telling me it was just gas (her giggling) I told my lady nope, it was because she liked daddy's avatar.


Appletini said...

I agree...she liked daddy's avatar :)

When Darkness Falls... said...

OH MY GOSH!! She is sooo beautiful!! Congratulations!! I can just imagine how warm and cuddly she is! As someone else put it, you are now entering a whole new world. The best as far as I am concerned! Your life will never be the same!

Btw, cool website.


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