Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What are we cursed with?


Remember when I did that little game with the word politics? Well here is the new word.


  • Dirty thoughts in re: My Lady or any and all women (no offense, but ask your significant male readers, husbands, boyfriends, male friends and ask them quickly and bluntly, how many women they want to see naked, they will give you a blank stare or just lie -badly- about it, they might be honest and say all of them. Men are built to be pigs.
  • The process of making a child
  • Porn
  • Something all people want
  • A hotter commodity then cars, houses, and gold...
  • The humor of denial around the word.
  • Inability to come to grips with our over sexualized country (America) and yet not talking about it.
  • Telling our teenagers never to have it.
  • Abstinence does not work.
  • Sexual education needs to be reworked.
  • Lack of honesty in a sexual relationship
  • Man I could go on for ever <---- yeah this not apart of the list, but I like to cheat.
And Demon23 gets his first A+ ever on anything besides drama class (how do you fail drama class?)

Take care and enjoy.

oh for you that are new, which will probably be none. How this works: I state a word and whatever comes to mind- write it. The comments can be anything, rant, off topic, serious, milk man theories, etc.


Coco said...

The best sleeping pill.

Kim said...

I don't think about politics at all when I hear the word "sex". You are WEIRD. I think about sex when I hear the word sex and I picture it being done exactly the way I want it.

carrie said...

everyone is a sinner

Demon32 said...

Coco Be careful, pharmaceutical companies will hear you and want to come up with an actual pill that is better then sex. Not possible, but sure enough that will not stop them from trying.

Kim Politics is all about the position one is in... and how many people one can figuratively fuck without getting dirty.

Carrie I always thought Sins were falling short of ones goal, the Christian concept of sin does not apply to me. Sex is certainly not my sin :D if we go with my definition of sex.

Darkness you are on to something... sex is yummy. I concur.

Kim said...

Demon Thoughts like that are exactly why I said you'd be good at politics. ;)

Plus how different is political campaigning from acting in a drama? Both pretend to be someone else for the entertainment of others.

Appletini said...



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