Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The power of a lvl 32 sword and loving cartoons is better then being a priest for the purpose of no sex.


I got tagged to do this survey by Kitten.
There are rules: I cannot repeat anything the other survey taker said and I have to list "5 things that I do, did or like that I’m proud of, but that others may think are totally lame". Plus, I get to tag 5 people to do the same.

1. I love image editing. I like taking an original image altering, while keeping most of the realism, minimum touches to paint a different picture. My proudest moment was when I edited the perspective of an umbrella make it was facing the opposite direction, the best (I almost said breast instead of best, don't even ask) part you could barely tell what I did with the picture.

2. I watch cartoons. I dig cartoons, I love cartoons. I usually just put it on the fact that I have a 7 year old. Yet that is simply not true. I would watch sponge bob alone.

3. I am into music that is rarely popular. Some of it is truly offensive and the rest is just outright weird. That does not mean I want to be different or I am against the grain to get noticed (I have been accused of these things and more). I just love really weird music or stuff that you don't hear everyday. While some of it is tame, most of it is not. People find my music out right lame.

4. I am very opinionated. How can that be lame right? Well you ever made an off handed comment without much thought and then that guy in the office rips ya a knew one? yeah that would be me... I have lots of friends... really I do.... they are just all in my head. I have gotten a little better.... really... stop looking at me.

5. I organize my equipment on video games. Yes you heard me correctly. Oblivion is one such game that goes on forever and never ends (sorta does but after beating the main quest, you can do more) anyways. I organize the equipment by house 1st, then per that house by chamber and chests, weapons, potions, misc items, and power weapons and potions and misc items. Oh yeah before I met Jess, I got laid a lot. yeah... I am cool like that. This is ultra lame.
"I have lvl(<--- an abbreviated word for level) 32 sword,
will you have sex with me?" <---- I never actually said this nor did I get laid a lot.

I tag anyone that wants to do this.


Point Dexter said...

I've played Oblivion before. Pretty much just like WoW, but you play by yourself.

lol I like how you explained "lvl"


me said...

you organize your video game equiptment.
very nice :)
thank you for sharing.

Airam said...

I love cartoons too. I don't watch Sponge Bob though. I see enough of it at school with my students that I'm kinda not wanting to watch what my students watch.

Appletini said...

Number 5 IS sooo lame ;p

Hey, there is nothing lame about watching cartoons. Spongebob rules!

Demon32 said...

N Noobs, newbs, newb-i pie? I do not like people in my gaming world unless I can rip into them with out them agreeing to it. I play FPS style games on xbox live... well not lately, even when I do play, I have to ditch so often that there is no point in playing with people I know and pissing them off. My microphone is busted as well. So I play games that can bust some skulls... RPG(s) I like to play alone a more somber pace.

Kitten isn't it nice? I thought so. Soon as you tagged me, I knew I had a mission to prove my power of pure lameness.

Airam I am a kid or at least I feel like one. Yet I am considered mature by my peers (I think they are lying). I am a big kid and sorta of proud of it. I have no illusions about age.

Appletini re #5 I know right? hahaha. Cartoons do rock.

Kim said...

I have problem #4 and I do #5 also! I have bags that hold potions and bags that hold things I want to sell, bags that hold equipment that is situational (like fire resistance), etc. Hey you should play puzzle quest - that game is like video crack!

Pawleeen! said...

Hey~ the man and I miss you! We're both doing good, Brians busy with lots of work, I'm busy with roomate issues, but life goes on and we're happy anyways. :)
We get back around the middle of november, so the lot of us will have to do dinner. I totally cant wait to see the baby!
Take care!

Demon32 said...

Kim hahaha. Yeah it makes for poor social situations sometimes... I am so sorry I have not been playing with you on xboxlive. I have not been playing with anyone. Then I accidentally deleted the emails with your blog/journal site. One email had my account information, I will have to go through some steps to fix... I just not have had the time. I also leave so abruptly on xboxlive and that kinda ruins the game. So I would rather piss off people I do not know. Just know that I am not dodging you to be a dick. Oh and my mic is broken, what shit is that? lol. So yeah... I feel kinda isolated. Thank you for making the effort to say hi, where I have not.

Sweeeeet! Kill your room mate, bitch slap and karate chop style. Jess read your comment as I did. I am very excited that you guys are coming up. Even if you are having thanks giving with your family which I bet you are, you can come over or before or after, whenever! Chloe is already so big. I can't wait to see you guys.

Kim said...

What is your email again? I'll email you the links.

Kim said...

I don't see what's so bad or socially unacceptable about being organized. Organized people are smart and smart people are cool!!

Laura said...

Demon you dog! What's up man? Gaming, yeah, I have my fair share of "neglectfully" gaming. Meaning I love it, but I better not do it when my kids need to be feed or the like...I mean...who said I was supposed to feed them anyway? LOL No, really, I play PC games; only FPS or stuff like Solitaire, Sudoku, word games.

FPS's are the bomb---BF2 AND ET:QW I especially love it when I can play w/hubby and blow his feaking head off. Nope, no violence tendencies here... ;)


Point Dexter said...

Isn't it horrible? I have so much to tell you, so much to type, but emails are time consuming. Here's an idea, why don't we take a road trip, meet, and I'll buy you lunch.

Demon32 said...

Kim Organization in a video game is usually a little over kill, but it does enhance the gaming pleasure. So I am on the fence. I do not see it as bad. ::I might be buying a new mic today <---- here's hoping::

Laura I am a dog for sure. What is up with me? hmmm. Well everything is down to what is the most important.

First Chloe
Then Kacey <-- he is equal, but Chloe is only 8 weeks old.
Then taking care of Jess she is home with Chloe every day, while I am at work.

then gaming or sex and sex is far more important to me, and then onto cuddling or hanging out with her... she rarely likes to screw then me leave her alone... hahaha. Yeah that does not work, not that I would do that... or anything.

Nicole/N Well I think Jess might not like that, she is the jealous type. I am a social let down, my ability to carry on a conversation is very similar to licking high grain sand paper. trust me... sitting to close to the show, you realize all the flaws.

Yet I should be on aim today, but it will be limited due to me working. We can talk there though.
same thing goes for any of you. I will be on aim if you want to chat.
JRDemon23 is my account name.

When Darkness Falls... said...

Hey! I've been away for a while and just catching up on my rounds. Glad to see everything is going so well for you and the family! Don't worry, the overwhelming feelings will slowly dissapate and you will somehow pull out of your ass a way to get everything you want done! Just make sure you are enjoying this time while it lasts. *sigh* They grow up too fast...

cher said...

stop looking at you? fat chance.


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