Friday, October 19, 2007

I want to be the hunk man... I want to be the superman... I want to be the ball.


I added my Pandora stations on the left column. Check'em out. The one titled 'Lacks Description' really does lack description.

The other two (I almost spelled two as tue) stations are interesting enough. They are growing and I need to edit them constantly so they do not begin to suck. Well anyways you should be clicking on these because... well I do not have a reason but click anyways

GTG, have a good one.


Appletini said...

Glad to have you back! :) How's your little princess.

Anonymous said...

Hey was nice to have you on my blog - have missed you something wicked - hope you and your beautiful clan are doing well...

Airam said...

Some good work out music ...

me said...

if you have a chance, you've been tagged by moi to reveal five lame traits that you possess. read my page for details (and my lameness!)!

Demon32 said...

Appletini My little princess is doing great, thank you. She has started some additional motor functions... she puts her hands together and she can smile sometimes, without gas being the reason. I still believe it is a reaction to seeing me smile, but none the less... what beauty, she makes my heart swoon.

Princess I will comment more often on your blog, I apologize for not being around as often. I have a clan? I HAVE A CLAN, I always wanted one. :D

Airam It is? Really? I am impressed that you liked any of it. I mean some of it is pretty strange shit. Most hate it. If you dig it, then damn you are even more eclectic then I originally gave you credit for... Glad you liked it. What band did you like? more then one, would make me drop my coffee.

Kitten sure, I can dance like that. I can dip into the dance... hell I even can do a shuffle for ya kitten. You make me actually write about myself... :D I dig the power of the lame.


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