________________________________Jess sent this to me via hallmark and I wanted to share it with all of you. It is funny. I found it on youtube and I demand that you watch it. It is only 1 minute and 13 seconds. Please devout the time, you will enjoy it.

Dr. Phil "If you can't stand the heat" he pauses for affect "then get out of the kitchen"
and everyone applauds... can I have his job? doling out common sense as if it was pancakes seems rather hard, but I bet I am up to the task.
But why should anyone have to dole out common sense? Like you I get irritated with people that lack it naturally. It's not like they are bad or anything, they just irritate me is all.. Maybe that is unfair but oh well...
I hate Dr. Phil. I had a professor who looked just like him a couple years ago. I still loath him.
Don't become like Dr. Phil!
I BET you would be AWESOME!....much better than Dr. Phil. He is just a fad :)
That's actually not common sense, it's an opinion when you take it figuratively (which is how it is intended) instead of literally. He isn't talking about being in a very hot place and deciding to move if you don't like hot places. He's talking about "heat" in an emotional sense, i.e. stress or pressure.
It's the opinion that people should be tougher rather than everything around us should be gentler and easier. His tone holds disdain for people who can't take the heat. What he said would commonly be voiced by people against political correctness.
I don't really keep up to date with famous people so I don't know Dr. Phil's work or who he is.
Oh somewhat related, funny story: My fiancee was raised by his dad to be a "man" and to be tough and strong and not cry and all that. So he was trying to raise his little brother who is 7 years younger the same way. One day his brother was being careless and clumsy and ran right into my fiancee and stubbed his toe by running into my man's shoe. Then he started to moan and cry and my fiancee's response was "buck up". His brother sulked and said, "no". So he got taken to the doctor and told he had a broken toe and now whenever anyone wants to tease someone in the family when they get hurt they just say, "buck up". My fiancee still stands by his reaction though because the doctor didn't do anything for his brother in terms of a cast or splint. They just charged them for a visit and an x-ray and told him to stay off it.
Yeah we kinda got that it meant not literal heat... What we mean is that why do we have to tell people who can't handle the pressure to avoid it or find some way to manage it, shouldn't that be common sense? Why does someone get paid millions to pander out common sense to the stupid people of the world?
Jess I am with ya babes... common sense is not so common, it is more likely rich sense... because less then 20% of the population has it.
Nicole I can already feel myself having a southern accent...
Appletini Well thank you. I think I would piss people off though and get stabbed on my show... dude what could that do for my ratings? hmmmm.
Kim He uses catch phrases like a lame hero who tries to offer therapy in bite size chunks to people with severe issues, but obvious paths to overcome.
Drunks, Gamblers, cheating spouses, etc.
He makes sure to bring on people that will bring the ratings up...
I guess the only reason I dislike him, he masks this fact through so called therapy... therapy is hard shit... not a half an hour segment on how to better your whole life.
He is an ass clown.
Jess: Yes it should be, but like Demon said, there's more stupid people in the world than smart people.
I don't get the anger because if the people asking him for help are pathetic, stupid, and/or lazy individuals then shouldn't he take the firm straight approach with them and use simple, easy to understand, and impossible to deny truths? I would be annoyed that people as pathetic as that existed though, so maybe that's the meat of the issue. He's exploiting the numerous stupid people in America and making millions! There is also some resentment that I hold in the fact that he makes more money than me and I work harder (at least that's what I believe). So that's not fair. Still, what's fair financially (ethics and morality aside) is that if he generates a lot of cash flow then he gets a lot of cash flow back - and he does just that.
Demon: Haha, Will hates Dr. Phil too and calls him a hack. I knew he'd know of him. He's my pop culture expert.
I think it would make your ratings sky rocket...you'd be rich!
Hoops and Yoyo! My favorite! I have little stuffed toys in my office that look like them. They also have a CD out with all sorts of songs like:you're so niiiiiiice!, coffee is good, bacon!, happy birthday, or else!, do you like waffles? and everyone's favorite: you smell good.
Dr. Phil is a bag licker.
that video was awesome.
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