Thursday, December 30, 2010

Inspiration + Coffee + Hand Rolled Smokes = Productivity of 0%


Time Be Slithering away
I feel I have changed since the years previous. I understand that the internet populace would not be emotionally vested in my mental well being and why should they be? I wouldn't constitute me as cold or that I do not read drivel; I just write it.

The paragraph format does not work for my blog. It just destroys the alignment of the written work. Errr, what garbage. I do not believe I will ever put money into this blog or acquire my own domain. Just not worth it to me. I considered chic to be cheap, and cheap to look good, I look damn fine and I consider myself quite cheap.

Infrequent Posts Will Be The Rule
I enjoy writing, I enjoy the way words feel to me, call me strange and I will champion you with a new name; captain obvious. I digress. The point being I will not be writing often. If I happen to write often, considered it a fluke, if becomes common place for a period of time... considered it a long fluke.

Well, I have a post with no substance, how grand. Well I must say farewell, or I could write forever, have a good one.

D3m0n32, says peace.

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