Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Power of Google... My blog is not intelligent nor informative.


After careful thought I deleted two posts. I realized that by writing these posts I was denying what my blog is about. What is my blog about? You decide. I should say it was not what I intended for my blog. No offense to the blogger that I posted about, his site is informative and intelligent. My blog has nothing to do with being either. I do not wish to mention the information again though, as I consider the whole situation a mistake in the first place.

Moving on to non-important issues:

Have you ever googled Starbucks? It is just something useless to search for. I have done: Yeah and bored. I have googled more lame shit then one person could imagine.

What do you google? I mean be creative, do not list porn, or hardware for your computer... Just stuff that you probably could have gone without googling and your time would have been better spent jogging or cleaning the house? My answer would put me to shame.


Anonymous said...

Some useless stuff I've googled?

aborigional art
bubble paper

And thats just a few of the random things I've typed in.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been known to google strange things. I have googled starbucks before, and it warrants stuff i don't usually want to read about. LOL I am more apt to google things like freelancing, working at home, moms like me, etc.


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