Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Australian PM stands by Obama attack

Australian PM Loves To Touch Himself When Looking At The Guy On The Oatmeal Box

Wow I am glad me insulting the PM of Australia got something done with the shape of the world. I mean insulting party officials is a measure of maturity, control, and a deep respect for your constituents. I know that if I was in office, you the people of any country would love to hear me insult the "other party" I mean after all you are paying me for that... not to fix or assist in my country.

However Obama did handle the issues with care and intellect.

Stating the following:

The Democratic presidential hopeful said if the Australian prime minister was "ginned up to fight the good fight in Iraq," he needs to send another 20,000 Australians to the war.

"Otherwise, it's just a bunch of empty rhetoric," Obama said.

Australia has about 1000 troops in Iraq and many of them are in non-combat roles.

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