Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This is amazing stuff.


I went to several sites that would increase blogger traffic, each one was rather clear about not accepting "adult" themed and or vulgarity and profane blogs... so I could not submit my blog to them.

I then found this blogmad site. I went in and found a chat box titled "shout box" The forum moderators are very kind and will assist with almost any questions one might have, as long as you are respectful... so if you suck don't apply. They are a bunch of fun people within...

I believe that places like blogmad spread an air of civility while letting us keep our format of vulgarity and or adult behavior at the same time increasing traffic on your site. We need places like this to grow... violations of the 1st amendment continue to happen everyday and yet this software just says... "hey your stuff adult?" click yes or no... then you can provide filters to make sure you never see any adult material.

Tip my hat to the people of blogmad and its moderators. Thank you for having me feel right at home the first minute I was through the digital door.

1 comment:

MsDemmie said...

BM are pretty cool like that.


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