Thursday, February 15, 2007

We all need to realize....


Gay is never going away. For you that find it evil... to bad, it is never going away. People are queer and they are here, but besides the catchy slogan what is the deal with breeders fearing homosexuals? Please do not suggest that they are pedophiles or that they want to make you gay. They might wish you were, but that in it of itself will not make you gay.

Gay love is scary IMO - anal sex from a hairy or unhairy waxed man does not seem like a good time to me. Should that stop them from being able to marry? nope. Wait... Christians, Islam, and Orthodox Jews do not dig the deal... great they can denounce it. Does the government have to recognize that to anal loving men should have all the rights of an S&M married couple, the answer you guessed it, yes they should.

Tell me what is decent to you? Okay now I am going to ask 300 hundred other people what is decent to them. I am sure very few answers will match with anyone else... unless they are all from the same small hick town or from this website below. Please denounce these assholes were they stand.

Here is some of the haters speeches that really seem to make no sense to me.

Don't worry they are not going to use the very tactics they complain about. Do not worry they will not forget about the 10 commandments. They will respect you as a person and respect your right to be happy. Wait I am lying.

I read a blog were a gay couple could not hold hands... they were afraid because of their friends were recently accosted near a gay bar for trying to pick some one up. Hey first ... it does not matter were a gay man tried to picked some one up... if a gay guy was looking at me like a piece of meat... I would kindly say no "I am strictly a vagina lover" and just chill... his behavior does not make me gay or afraid. Now that breeder that beat up the gay guy for hitting on him, he probably got a little bit of an erection and that scared him... and it was the gay mans fault for that. *cough bullshit*

I will admit I hate the queers for one reason and one reason only (I would not harm any of them for this): They are better dressers then me and they look much better... just imagine if they were straight, there would be no women left for us breeders... so thank them for being good looking and not liking vagina.

1 comment:

me said...

Ha! You are silly...your reasoning for hating. I don't think I've ever run into a poorly dressed gay man. Nope. Never.

Thanks for stopping by earlier. I'm enjoying your posts as well.



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