Monday, May 14, 2007

Rectum shaped faces... its worse when they open their mouths


Update: I lied I decided to not post a radio show tonight... I tried but could not think about what to talk about. I am listening to Tom Waits - Underground.

I love working. I really do. It gives me strength, even if others do not notice. It gives me balance.
When I hear music... it makes me feel empowered, even if it is dark...
I have some concepts completed for my next WTF episode. Mind you it will be better, then the last. It will be a pope on acid kind-of-experience. Yay for popes on acid, or popes on Popsicles either or.

My next radio show will be later tonight, when the little dude/best bud is in bed.
Yeah nothing note worthy... just letting ya know I am not dead... even if I was I am sure I could still use a computer, just don't know if I could get a good connection. It took Jesus 3 days to re-spawn, that is a rather bad connection... don't ya think?



Anonymous said...

u better do the vid when im on showing urself enjoying the game or something. u kno, show ppl what u do for fun.

carrie said...

glad you're not dead.

Demon32 said...

Samurai - I have posted about gears of war before. If you make a video and allow embedding I will post it for you. I will title it "creepy kid from xbox live - he is not that creepy..."

Carrie - me too. You are funny.

carrie said...

thanks. i try. i tend to have a dry wit.

Appletini said...

I had the same thoughts as Carrie :)

Tammy Wilson said...

i was really waiting for something about people with rectum shaped heads...


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