Monday, July 9, 2007

This thing.


I stole this from Nicole.

1. Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

  • I have a disdain for religion, but do not question its place in our society. I usually tell people what they believe is fine. However this does not apply to the strangers that knock on my door asking about god (they stepped into my domain). "he does not live here, and he owes me 25.50 for pizza and beer. Now remove your holy ass off my door step... thanks"
  • I love clothing... I dig fashion. However this does not include genital waxing (women why do you do this!? ) or anal bleaching... WTF is up with that? I like looking good, but I am not a cat who can shove his ass in strangers faces and get away it... so why does it matter if my junk is hairless? Who the fuck would know, besides your lover? If they are already your lover then why would you need the treatment done in the first place? creepy. yep. Bat shit crazy.
  • I am always trying to push my conscience to let me know when to shut up... I have gotten myself into such trouble with my mouth. The alarm does not go off until after I said something I shouldn't.
  • I dislike PC behavior. I consider it dis genuine. I dislike fascists (politicians)
  • I do not believe in speaking about things I do not know much about. I believe in being educated on a subject before I open mouth.
  • I always consider myself respectful... until I get grumpy, uhh then not so much.
  • I do not have a license. Need to get one, strongly dislike cars... believe in public transportation. However still need one due to obligation.
  • I love movies, music, art, books, history. I feel that all of the communication for our times is measured within our production of these items. It is interesting to see. I am artsy fartsy no?
Kitten, Carrie, Kiley, and who ever else that wants to take it.


carrie said...

i've been tagged!

Anonymous said...

Okay ...anal bleaching just sounds gross....

Demon32 said...

Carrie - yes you have been tagged. You are too cute.

Princess - funny you never heard of it. The west coast has it being all the rage. nobody wants dirty butt holes anymore... retarded? yes. Gross ? yes. Stupid (costs 3,000+) so very much so.

Just think one day they are going to come up with something worse. Just wait. It will happen. I bet ya 20 bucks.

Point Dexter said...

artsy fartsy indeed! I love the arts too. I want to cry every time I'm at a symphony or an art gallery. Something so beautifully created deserves my tear.

Appletini said...

When I first heard of anal bleaching I thought.... WTF?! Who would do that?
I've never really paid attention to the color of my anus before. But I hear that it is very popular among porn stars :)

me said...

you really have no liscense?
horribly enough, i'm very dependent on my car. that's just the way it is down here.

Demon32 said...

Nicole - I always believe myself to be creative... then I try to create something...

appletini - I find society the greatest contributor to comedy. I am waiting for hair removal at micro level or maybe bleaching personality traits for your brain... "Don't like the way you act? Change your behavior with Chemical burn brain gel... fast acting and sure to produce a better you"

Kitten Power - That is fine for anyone who wants/needs one, I do not judge others, just myself. Cars are a tool. I believe in their use. I just believe like the floppy disk, they are running out of their efficiency. America consumes an excessive amount of oil. The oil companies can charge us what they want... no matter what we say... we pay them. With the extensive arguments and complaining about the gas prices on the rise... is nothing compared to what other nations pay more and their money is worth more (the Euro and pounds) then our dollars. This means that the oil companies could charge us even more (they will have their lobbyists in place at congress) when they go for our wallets with immunity.

I find that I save well over a few thousand dollars a year not owning a car. However I do need my license it is a tool. If some one needs me to drive I can, other then that...

I also like the looks I get when I say I don't have a license (people really think lowly of you, I find it funny) "be like me, be like me, be like me, all together, be like me" they chant with their sentences (the chant is just behind the looks and the words)

scary, but true.

me said...

i was watching the news last night and they reported how bottled is an uber oil waster. fuck!

they said transportation alone uses something like 2 ounces of oil per water bottle.
did you see that or read a/b it? if not, you should check it out. you'd be intrigued for sure.

and to top it off, if you don't recycle (only 1 or 5 americans recycles), then the plastic bottle that you throw away will take 1000 years to decompose. yikes!

several city's have banned bottled water use at festivities now. salt lake city was one...
they say, there is perfectly good tap water and they will use it! (bottled water is being targeted b/c of the fact that we all have water readily available)

i say that's great, unless your tap water tastes like the tap in ATL. ugh. it's so disgusting. the chattahoochee is wicked polluted. the chlorine that cleans the water just floats up to you as you drink. nasty stuff.

i'm a brita filter girl all the way!
ps i think i would like the looks you get when you tell people you don't have a liscense.

are you getting a liscense so you can drive your lady to the hospital when it's time to deliver?

Demon32 said...

Kitten - you are a smart cookie... yes nail on the head. I want to bring my lady to the hospital to deliver.

me said...

good :-)


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