Thursday, September 13, 2007

Stupid comes in all all types.


I am starting a new thing. I am good at starting new things but never finishing them. This one will be easy and not so hard to keep up with. I will state one word from that one word, what can you think of? It is very liberal on purpose. Here it begins. I will provide my answers below and then you guys can answer via comments.

What comes to mind when this word is mentioned?

  • Bullshit (despite whatever party)
  • Two millionaires arguing about middle class America.
  • Several millionaires speaking about the good of the people, then accepting lobbying donations from insurance, oil, health care, etc. companies. A year later they will all strike down bills that would have helped us the people, who voted them in. Funny enough the bills that were struck down would have hurt the companies that paid the donations.
  • Two people arguing and using well thought educated speech with such phrases as
    • "Liberals are destroying our way of life"
    • "Conservatives are fascists controlling Christian freaks"
    • "Damn liberals are godless folk"
    • "Conservatives would rather believe in a false god then science"
Politics - what a beauty. Now it is your turn. You do not have to be serious, long, or to the point, just what comes to mind. Have fun with it.


Kim said...

I think of a code of ethics in which the only thing that matters is, "Will this action help me get what I want?"

Lying, cheating, stealing, manipulation, none of these are "bad" if they get you what you want according to the moral code of Politics.

I hate politics.

carrie said...

my new blog is in my profile. checkit.

that said,

when i hear the word politics my first thought is anxiety about taking classes in that subject. but i usually do well in those classes, too.

but it's definitely a part of human culture and can be studied well by looking at the past.

i took a cultural economics class and it really was fascinating. even geography brings up history of an area and politics of the area.

carrie said...

oh yeah, kimberly, 'rational self-interest' is what drives all humans, right?

Demon32 said...

Kim you convinced me. I need to get into politics... it sounds like something I would be good at. I mean all the cool kids are doing it, I hear Satan joined last month.

Carrie I am digging the blog. It was very nice. Fuck that dude and his shit. Delete their comments! Don't respond. They will get bored.

Kim said...

Carrie not everyone. Don't let yourself get cynical. There are still good people out there.

Kim said...

Demon I think you would excel at politics but you would also hate yourself.

When Darkness Falls... said...

Politics give me a headache! I think good intentions are there going in but once a person gets caught up in the cluster fuck all of it goes out the window. It is a vicious circle.

Demon32 said...

Kim my ideals, views on life, what I believe law should be would govern much of my choices if I was in office. That means I would not have the support of middle America. I would value independent rights, but not above the rights of community. I am independent, libertarian, conservative and liberal kinda guy. That kinda behavior makes no friends in Washington. My basis for law is to govern, not to validate. This would also get me into trouble.

Darkness Politics is much about us as it is the people that run our government. We are apathetic for the most part, myself included. We do not take an active stance by voting, by protesting, or writing to our senators. If a person of office was to accept a bribe/"donation" and he knew that he would receive several truck loads of hate mail, he would not take the bribe. We the people expect our media, our apathetic nature, and our lack of common sense to serve us politically.

Wow that was fun, my life is empty evidently.

Kim said...

Eh, if you look like you will be popular with the people then others may stand around you because they want to be on the team that wins (see Obama or Hillary for examples) not because they particularly like your stance on any issue.

You might be able to appear to be that likeable guy. Every operation needs a smiling face. That's why we hire secretaries.

Once in office you would be able to push your initiatives forward and I think you would be wise enough to push gently and to stay within the boundaries that are laid out, since you know you worked hard to get there and you'd do no good for the people being out. Slowly but surely you'd make changes.

As the stakes rise you'd be more cautious than you would as a low level manager at work. That's at least how I think you'd act. Though you can be impulsive you also believe in sacrifice and doing what's right for those you are taking care of. I think you would act in the manner that would best serve them (in the long run) rather than what would make you feel better (in the short run).

Appletini said...

I was thinking... the U.S. It can be a horrble thing to have money lead the way of life. :P

carrie said...

what a great conversation you started, demon.

Point Dexter said...

Politics huh?

One word answers:

Ridiculous. Necessary. Corrupt. Law. America.

That's all I have for you. Politics aren't my strongest subject. ;)

Kim said...

appletini Actually as money driven as some parts of the US are it doesn't compare to other countries. People I've met from poor nations like Lithuania or Bosnia or India are SUPER driven to make money, no matter what. They are way more concerned with status than your average American. Corruption is awful in Mexico, Africa, and the Middle East. People in Africa kill their wildlife and will probably cause many animals to become extinct because of nothing more than money. Morals are completely out the window.

I've also noticed that people in the U.S. I know who grew up poor are always thinking of some new way to get rich quick. They think about money and how to get it a lot more than I do, being a middle class person. Plus look at the ghetto fabulous that rap about how money is everything and if you don't have it they don't respect you. I think that money just gets on the brain more when you are faced day to day with things you can't do because of it. It certaintly isn't everyone nor would I even say that the majority of the people in the U.S. are only concerned with money.

I think we just give ourselves a bad rap because money matters more to America now than it ever did before. It could still be a helluva a lot worse though.


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