Monday, November 26, 2007

Do you ever taste the plastic?


I am so horrid at posting, but this is becoming the rule and not so much the exception. So I should just start stating when I am not horrid at posting, because then that would be news.

--- When the sun sets in the evening?

Do you pass without getting wet?

I have taken a long look at myself, I see fatal flaws in so many people. Yet if I forget to look at myself, then I become them.

If I fail at my direction then that is me and not anyone else's problem but my own. I do not believe society is to blame for my existence in the status quo.

Do you know anyone that does not submit to the universal law that I speak?

Miserable aren't they? Insane, not really, but certainly living a lie. Pathetic, just a little?

My biggest fear is being disabled by fear.

What is your biggest fear?

I hope I have time to reply to your previous comments on an early post and come and visit your blogs during my lunch. Which runs between 11:00 - noon Eastern time.


Jess said...

My biggest fear has and always will be loneliness.

cher said...

hmmm, my biggest fear. wow. i think i will think about it for the afternoon and get back to you. i will be honest too.
plus, it's not like you are going to go on a posting rampage and i won't be able to keep up with you.

Appletini said...

My biggest fear would be to lose complete control of my see, I'm a control freak :)

Nice to see a new post. How's the little princess?

When Darkness Falls... said...

My biggest fear is all of the pain and darkness will consume me...

Demon32 said...

Jess You will never have to worry about that hon. <--- Everyone this is my beautiful women. Comment on her blog *starts using the mind control device, making choice futile* <--- to bad it only affects squirrels. I will have an army of them! what was I saying?

Cher I think you kicked Fear's ass a while ago, you stepped up and dropped the bitch like the ninja you are.

Appletini You a control freak? No way. :P Everyone has something they can not go without, yours is control... nothing wrong with that Jazz. Unless it keeps you up at night.

Darkness The pain is there to distinguish between the good and the bad. Life is always about the middle ground. From your posts it is apparent you suffered grievous shit, yet have come out still standing... that makes so extremely strong.

cher said...

your comment just made me laugh out loud-fer real. you know, i think you are right. i was up over half the night stressing out that i don't have a biggest thanks for that.... i'm not even afraid of death....bring it on, you know? i do have an overwhelming fear that my children will never move out, but i wouldn't say it's my biggest fear because i always have the silent treatment option and i'm good at the guilt trip. so i thought about it some more, and, on a real level (i said i'd be honest)i guess it would have to be one of my children dying. honestly. then i was up for a couple more hours stressing out about them again, thanks.

oh, and as if you are pimping out your lady's blog and don't even pass that info on to me. good thing i have mad stalking skills and was able to piece it all together. you really have to fine tune your stalking skills to actually be a ninja that has any validity.

aaaaand, you are not too late! just submit what you think the winner of my poerty contest should win and submit your poem (all about me) by dec 3rd! look at me, bending the rules. or maybe i'm just curious if you used it as an excuse?

Demon32 said...

Cher my poetry would be pollution for the written word. I was being sarcastic w/oh damn I missed it...

I can not write poetry for shit. Yet if I could I would write you one. Now if you are doing a short story essay like thing all about you, then I would take you up on that offer with no problem.

Just not poetry.

Kim said...

I asked my man what his biggest fear was and without hestitation he said, "something happening to you". My heart melted, awwww.

cher said...

holy crap it's snowing such humungous flakes right now, i'm a little frightened. not that that has to do with anything.

roses are red.
violets are blue.
i suck at poetry
and so do you.


me said...

I'm afraid of way too much stuff to choose just one! Such hard questions D23!

Demon32 said...

Kim That is nice and cute *injects anti-cute in the corner of my eye* How about you though? what do you fear?

Cher yeah we got hit with some heavy ass snow too... over a foot, in two days time.

Kitten I can understand. I find myself thinking that fear eats at us, yet we do it. "In heaven there is no beer, that is why we drink it here. In heaven there is no wine, that is why we drink it here until we feel fine, in heaven there is no fear, that is why we worry here and drink beer"

I don't really believe in heaven, but enjoy the song.

Kim said...

Well I don't fear anything happening to him because he is Mr. Safety. I am the risk taker.

While his worries are about something happening to the one he loves my fears center around something happening to my ability to provide for the one I love. I do most of the bill paying and financial work yet I have the least stable employment history of the two of us. Scares the crap out of me some days.

cher said...

its ok, i wrote my own poem and declared myself the winner anyway...

me said...

very nice song.

cher said...

how's things?

When Darkness Falls... said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your lovely family a very merry Christmas! Hope all is well!

Point Dexter said...

I would say my biggest fear is unhappiness. Are we ever truly happy? I suppose this is an echo of my current state of depression, but I can't remember any time after the age of 5 that I've truly felt happiness.

I change my fear. My biggest fear is not being able to get over that fact. I want to learn to deal with the fact that I will probably never be happy.

How depressing. lol!

Miss you!

carrie said...

hi demon!

Demon32 said...

Kim I can understand that feeling, very well. I have similar fears, fear is logical at times, while for me it derives me of ambition.

Cher If there should be any winner. You are the one that should be it.

Things? They are fine. People are what I am worried about. Finical stress to be exact. The kind that eat away at my sleep. Fun, is never in short supply... by fun, I mean living a nightmare at times.

Darkness The same to you, belated albeit.

Nicole We all battle with the demons, civility and situations. We all suffer, but if we identify our issue and remove it. We define what makes us happy, no one else can define that for us. To be loved is mine and to give back that feeling.

Carrie Next time you make your blog private, my email is attached to this account. If it is not here it is... send me an email with the code!

I am glad to be back in the saddle again.


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