I sprayed febreeze on my hand thinking it was shaving cream this morning.
- The bottles look completely different
- I just had the shaving cream can in my hand
- My hand now smells like febreeze
Audio posts
- I have not done an audio post in sometime
- I may do one again, maybe tonight after work. My mp3 player is at home, so it is not an option on my lunch.
What do you want me to ramble about?
Note: The host I use to store my audio files removes them after so many days, so all my old files are gone forever. I did not know this at the time and only found out recently.

They are going to be added to my collection of side links, until they tell me my site is tasteless and stupid and that they do not want to be associated with me.
Can't blame them, Jesus said the same thing to me just last week.
My ambitious project
You my readers, most of you have links and all of you should have links before the end of this week.
I am going to be adding images to your links...
I will be doing the artwork myself and if you have an image that you strongly identify with, I will use it. Unless it makes my blog look shit (not so much the image, but the margins and such) then which I will screw with said image until it works.
Have a good one. Remember email me images, I will edit and or do what I need to make them work. No matter the size, or a rendition.
If you do not have one, as above, I will make you one. If you are offended, then well... I will take it down *sniff, sniff*
Demon "no I am not gay" 23
Have a good one folks.
You want an image? Omg, it might crack your screen. :) That aside, you are quite ambitious aren't you? Do you think you can handle putting images to 'all' of your links? I mean 'one is the loneliest number' after all. ;)
If you don't get that last sentence, don't ask, was one of my oober blond moments.
Wow, my word verification was a variation of 'coffin'; what does that mean? The actual letters 'cofvn'
Those guys make some pretty cool posters. :)
I don't want to tell you what to ramble about because I like hearing about the thoughts that go on in your head!
I would also rather you make an image for me! Don't worry about offending lol I am an "art" person and the "darkness" comes from somewhere! I think we all have an "image" in our heads of fellow bloggers we read. I'm curious to see what it would be. If you want, after you have posted my image I will email you.
Nice art links, they rock, and so do you :)
Funny about the febreeze, at least if you scratch your ass you have the ability to describe it :) LOL
I meant disguise it, but my fingers thought different... LOL well now I feel smart
I agree with darkness, you should ramble about whatever you feel like. You can make my icon. I am too lazy to make my own.
oooooooo an audio post! i'm stoked! its so cool to be able to hear the voice of someone you claim to know. i think you should ramble on about me. and if you think i'm excited about the audio post, you won't believe how excited i am to have you make me an image for my link! AAAND if you think i am excited about that(!), then you won't believe how excited i am that I am, in fact, a link on your blog!
so, i'm pretty much leaving your blog right now feeling like the luckiest girl at the prom:)
I want you to talk about something you are passionate about - anything - I just like hearig your voice - sorry I have been gone so long - been in the hospital - nice to be back - hugs
At least your hand smelled good :)
I would like you to make me one;)
ok, so i've given this some thought. i suppose a VW symbol would be cool for me. or an espresso shot. or both.
are you wanting us to actually send you the images? cuz i can do that. let me know
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