Monday, January 7, 2008

Dude, did he just say "I want to pee in your mouth"?


I have been having a hard time with ambition... <--- I do not have any. I do not cop-out, I just do not have it as I should compared to others. I am responsible for myself and no one is responsible for me. That being said... I need to get some shit done. Have a good one people. The next part of this post, some other time... will be. ::Why I have little or no ambition, a losers guide to displacing blame:: <--- the cool part is, it was not written by Bush.


When Darkness Falls... said...

Aww Sweetie! Don't worry - you're probably just exhausted! You and Jess have had a lot to adapt to in the past few months. Don't worry, this too shall pass :)

Airam said...

Everyone needs to slow down sometimes .. maybe this is your body telling you that you need to take a little hiatus on the ambition thing?

Appletini said...

I'm sure that you will figure it all out, Demon :) I have faith in you.

Jess said...

Hun, you will find your way, you always do... No matter what happens, you have me by your side :)

Point Dexter said...

We're constantly riding this wavelength. Sometimes its pumpin, sometimes its not. Give it time, you'll find your ambition again soon enough. Just take it easy for now.

Demon32 said...

Darkness I do not think I am too hard on myself, but I appreciate the kindness. I am just pushing forward. Trying to attain a routine, task completion, and order things that need ordering. It is all rather difficult. Yet it needs to be done.

Airam I feel that slowing down will be detrimental with long term affects. I am young and in need of accomplishments... but thank you for caring :D

Appletini Thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere, besides in prison... I hear that it just gets you a night with a guy
named Butch.

Jess Hey I say the same to you and all, you owe me .16 cents. I love you.

To all of you You guys are so sweet and what not, thank you all for such encouraging comments :)

cher said...

I blame Britney


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