Friday, January 4, 2008

The world as it is.


Funny conversation
My dad "The individual liberties of each person has been trampled on more and more each year"
Me The Demon "I know Americans should have the personal right to decide what they can put into their bodies"

His look was priceless. I was alluding to my belief about use of drugs. He knew it too. Priceless.

"look at Canada, they have less crime then us" My co-worker states "It is because of hand guns not being allowed"
"well maybe that has to do more with the state affairs of our population then gun control"
"How would people commit crime, if they did not have guns?" My co-worker
"Do you have a lock on your front door?" D23
"Of course I do, what does this have to -" CW
"Who would it keep out?" D23
"uhh people?" CW
"What kind of people?" D23
He stares at me.
"Honest people, it will keep out honest people" D23 "some one looking to break in would not be stopped only slightly deterred"
He stares at me some more
"Is something to do with the defense of your home?" His face contorting into confusion.
"Laws are made for the honest, the illegal is made of the dishonest, who would have the guns, if not the honest?"
"Demon that is not neccesarily accurate"
"Are there still drugs?"
"We spend over 20 billion a year to get rid of em, what do you think will happen with guns?"
He shook his head for a second, but kept hold onto his belief. I was happy enough to shake his foundation.

Even if people do not agree with me, I like poking their beliefs in legality, spiritual judgment of others, intelligent political debates and general values as a whole.

Making people think! :D


Appletini said...

I LOVE your response to your dad...priceless indeed! ;)

When Darkness Falls... said...

My sister and I have the same "debate" over gun control. I tell her if guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns. How can some not see the obvious?

me said...

I know: could you imagine the black market for guns if they went illegal? Que un mess! It's hard to go back on something when we already have a taste for it you know?
Not that I have a gun nor agree with the availability of them, ect, but it would still be messy...

Anywho, I even ruffling of the feathers as well! It's fun to let people know they're are other viable options out there!

Point Dexter said...

I love debating with people about issues they're passionate about. It's fun to explore different viewpoints.

Want a gummy bear?

Demon32 said...

Appletini It is not what I agree with, but how it should be handled. People, like my father need to understand that law does not validate, it governs. <--- my motto.

Darkness It frightens them. Black and White is not as clear as they would wish it to be. We are not much better off then the dark ages. See if this rings true.

"How did you know to use that plant to help this man's illness?" Man to women, 1290 Ad
"My mother taught me"
"How did she know?"
"My grandmother? I am not sure"
"Witch!" Screams that inquisitor

"I am not sure why we are an Iraq"
"How dare you not support the troops! Unpatriotic!"

you with your sister
"gun control makes more criminals own guns and they are not above board, this makes it easier for criminals to use them in crime" statement by you

"How can you not see guns are killing children? If they are illegal, nobody will have them"
Your sister. Was I right on? please let me know.

kitten Exactly. I do not like guns either. I don't, period. Yet what does me liking something have to do with it in a legality situation?

That seems to be our problem in this country, the masses and the politicians only want to do things they "agree" with.

Demon32 said...

Nicole I always get frustrated and lose focus with people who are passionate. They refuse to see an objectivity with my own personal views and the views that work best, I.E. "legal drug use" "legal prostitution" "pro-choice" etc. <--- none of these do I agree with. Yet I believe they should happen none the less.

They do not answer questions, nor do they reply with accurate information.

In the end, I usually enjoy pissing them off and making them feel stupid, because that is the most I can get from the conversation with said topic.

When Darkness Falls... said...

Yep, you pretty much were right on. I like Larry The Cable Guys Answer - "If guns kill people then it's my pencil's fault I can't spell! :)

Kim said...

I disagree with your gun control idea.

I think it could work if it serves as a stepping stone. Once people are conditioned to accept government control over their lives and conditioned to believe that the government is too powerful to oppose then they will be more submissive and act as directed. In countries with lower crime than the U.S. (Canada, United Kingdom, the far east) I would argue that the populations are much more obedient and law abiding because they see no point in fighting the government. These people generally see giving up individual freedoms for the good of all as the right thing to do. They also accept government control more readily - economically in the form of health care and free college education, as well as socially speaking. The punishments are also stricter in those countries which further serves as a deterent. It's a monkey see monkey do sort of thing. People usually act like the people who are around them.

You could argue that the freedom lost isn't worth the lives protected or the order created, and for the most part I would agree with you. It is impossible to prove that it doesn't work though - the numbers are proof and it is highly unlikely they arose from some cause other than cultural differences created by laws.

The question is what you value more and where your priorities are.

cher said...

canadians have less crime because we are too stoned to get off our lazy unambitious asses to do anything about gun laws, let alone actually get off the couch and go get a gun.

Demon32 said...

Darkness Sweet! I like being right... :D

I am going to start calling you

The New World Order

First Rule
No belief beyond government

Second Rule
Believe in the market

Third Rule
Support thy rule and place of government

Fourth Rule
Execute Demon23 for writing this :P

Kim said...

Demon: I am proud to live in the land of the free and I love America. I'm being serious.

I'm just playing devil's advocate and telling you that you are wrong about whether or not it could work. I do not think that laws are always right, nor do people need to obey every law in existance. Some are stupid.

However, if you want to say that "laws don't influence people" then you would be flat out wrong. Prostitution happens a shit ton more in cities where it is legal as opposed to cities where it is illegal. Utilitarians would argue that raising the speed limit on the highway isn't worth it because for each 10 mph you increase it we have x number of extra deaths per year. If laws didn't change people then changing the speed limit wouldn't make a bit of difference. The influence causes more people to be alive than would otherwise be.

I am for less people though and I don't mind if the criminals kill each other or if the stupid people off themselves on the highway. The more we restrict people and force them to be healthy the more problems we will have because of overcrowding, i.e. unemployment, environmental stress, higher crime, etc.

Demon32 said...

I am proud to live in the land of the free and I love America. I'm being serious.

MeI never thought you were joking. I mix my joke with serious issues, it makes it more fun. I was not saying you were not proud, I do not think that was a statement I made.

I'm just playing devil's advocate and telling you that you are wrong about whether or not it could work. I do not think that laws are always right, nor do people need to obey every law in existance. Some are stupid.

My Thoughts You being the Devil’s Advocate, no way… :P

However, if you want to say that "laws don't influence people" then you would be flat out wrong.

My Thoughts I am not saying that. Not once. I would agree that if some one was to say that, they would indeed be wrong. I am saying that laws that try and control the conduct of behavior do not work on a percentage of the population, usually the already self convinced criminals about to break said law and by making the situation they are about to commit hide in the shadow far easier then it would be if the issue was governed by legality and not persecution.

Prostitution happens a shit ton more in cities where it is legal as opposed to cities where it is illegal.

My thoughts How do you know this?

Utilitarians would argue that raising the speed limit on the highway isn't worth it because for each 10 mph you increase it we have x number of extra deaths per year.

My… Does this lend to the argument? I was not addressing this situation, I am not sure if it provides more for the argument.

If laws didn't change people then changing the speed limit wouldn't make a bit of difference. The influence causes more people to be alive than would otherwise be.

My… As above. Yet funny you mention this, because a personal view of my own (nothing to back it up) People seem to speed far more often then not, yet I believe the speed limit set forth does influence them… instead of driving over a 100 mph, they only drive 25 miles over the speed limit. Yet this is not really the argument, but still a fun diversion.

I am for less people though and I don't mind if the criminals kill each other or if the stupid people off themselves on the highway. The more we restrict people and force them to be healthy the more problems we will have because of overcrowding, i.e. unemployment, environmental stress, higher crime, etc.

no reply, I do not see this pertaining to the argument


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