Monday, March 3, 2008

Dream a little dream, then scream into the sky...


"I want to buy you apricot tea" The small animal with pearly eyes said to me.
"Well how would this work, you are a furry animal with pearly eyes" I said in reply.
"Well you are the one that took the acid"He giggled "Why do you think this text appears in crayon?"

So have you seen the trailer for The Dark Knight?

The answer would have to be yes, if not... then the answer should be yes, after you click the link and watch for 2 minutes and 7 seconds.

Did I mention Heath Ledger is in it (knowing that most of my viewers are women)
Well this we as quick stop in, I must go now. Have a good one people.


cher said...

have a good one... why are you so smug and hurtful? oh, and bossy.

Demon32 said...

some of my more loving qualities... :P

cher said...

some of mine are relentless sarcasm and poor mental health ;P

Laura said...

Isn't that all of us Cher? ;)

Demon you dork, gotta luv ya!

Demon32 said...

Cher We would have you no other way.

Laura Indeed, I am a dork... but a clever one or at least I tell myself that.

cher said...



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