Thursday, December 16, 2010

How things have changed.


Hello and Good morning,

I have just completed my last final. I stared at my reflective past and found that I missed this blog. I missed it, like a man would miss the connective warmth of a womans breast. So yeah my blog is a breast that I want to nuzzle... uhhh, I forgot my point.

Things that have changed:
Laid Off
Foreclosed home
- was hard, but over and done with
- change was required
Realized there was no jobs in this area
- could not find a solution that would have saved my house
- I lost my previous wage and felt the aftermath of loss.
- I enrolled in college and was accepted a year almost to date after losing my home.

I am happy now, I have faced the shit behind my eyes. It is good to be back, I think I will be around for a long time. Age has taken this face of mine; it only has been around 2-3 years, but it could have been a fuckin life time and then some.

Peace readers,

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