Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Devil Is In The Details


I read Fox News articles, then read the comments, for fun. I am surprised there is not blood in our streets, with so many varying opinions and how much hate accompanies almost every one of them. Fox News is not that different from CNN or NBC. The articles themselves differ by selection of importance, a few stories differ from site to site. Overall, they all use suggestive language/pointed language for political gain or influence, but to what who's end? 

News Biz is corrupt, always has been, besides notable moments in history. This is not to say that the power of information is a farce, quite the contrary. Information can make the weak, strong and the stronger, weaker, or more powerful. This means information is a planetary constant. I am just worried about all of these corporations having a powerful weapon, who few are aware of. 

It is not hard to believe my following statement:
"If I can control the words, then I can control the people" 


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