Saturday, January 7, 2012

The "approach" is everything.


Perfectionists equal fun.
D32 placed lighter on a hand rail pillar.
Partner, Jessica asks "Why did you sat that there?"
I said "It does not work"
J scowls at me "why not throw it away"
I smiled and said "It is fine"

She never asked why I was smiling, she never thought to, she was so irritated by the fact that I placed a lighter on a little support pillar. She picked up the lighter and walked hurriedly several feet from the shopping entrance and threw it in the nearest garbage can and walked back.

On the way home, she said, "you planned that didn't you?"
I said nothing, but I smiled and that was enough to get the silent treatment for an hour.
Wasn't laziness, I was bored. Needed something to do.

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