Friday, March 7, 2008

The Typical Day Is Rarely Typical.


::Updated:: The Picture is now linked to the website::Updated::

Kontraband is one of the best websites. I have been looking for a banner on their website and have yet to find one. Now if you want to check out Kontraband, be my guest but click on the picture that is where the link be. I am rather happy today is Friday. I am enjoying a cup of hot coffee.... mmm coffee.

My plan of action for my blog. Tell me what you think?

1. I will be signing up to again. This time I hope to stick to my plan. I am not good at doing that and or things get in the way, mostly the first rather then latter reason is why. I am going to be signing up to make shirts, coffee cups, etc.
2. It is as lame as it sounds. I will come up with clever phrases, and more unusual and vulgar stuff that seems out of place.
- "Official Vagina Measurer"
- "Cum, it is good, but not on toast"
- "Jesus Does Not Love you"
- "Porn is as good as it gets in my mom's basement"
- "I play video games because I can't get laid"
- "I like to contemplate suicide... alone" depicts a stick figure closing the door on another stick figure.
- "Are you really reading this or using it as an excuse to stare at my tits?" on the back it says "Do not use my shirt in a pick up line"
- "It's not that liberals are better, it is not that Conservatives are better... just both are pretty fucking stupid to me"
- Stick Figure who is behind a podium saying "We do not accept money to pigeon hole bills". The back of the shirt says "Politicians... The New Mafia"
- "We have cleaned up the streets, we have taken down the the racketeering, we have made a difference" Some politician stick figure at a podium, on the back of the shirt it says "Support you state government lotteries but not gambling"
Creating a logo for my blog.
4. I am going to changing out some of my content, reviewing what I have and updating my labels on every post. 170(something) posts to go through.
5. I am going to be resurrecting my WTF series, even though it never got off the ground.
6. I am going to be doing video blogs as often as I can, regardless of the quality...
7. Starting from Scratch on making images for each blog. I truly mean this.
8. Most of these milestones will be reached before Monday, The 10th of March.
9. I am excited to get all of this done, I hope I do not lose interest.
10. Well... I am going to get some work done. Hope everyone has a good Friday night, and you will all see a lot of me on the weekend.


cher said...

wow, i'm excited!
i look forward to see how this all pans out. you do like to wrap yourself in pressure and promises don't you?
me? not so much.

When Darkness Falls... said...

Your list sounds great!! If you manage to get half of it done with 2 kids at home I swear I am nominating you for an award!!

Your list for the coffee cups/t-shirts is funny! What a good idea for you - it fits!

My favorite that my son has says - "I may be fat, but you're ugly... at least I can diet." :)

Demon32 said...

Cher Rap myself in promises? Ha. I am known for setting the standards high above what I am actually possible to accomplish... so when I fail at least I can blame something other then myself... even though it was my fault. :D I like everyone else is their own worse enemy. Why stop now ? :P

Darkness Well I got my logo up, I am going to do a vid tonight. I have already set an account for Cafe... but have not uploaded content and or setup my bank account info for it's use. I am going to start links soon as I am done writing this. So yeah... I am going to have most of the list done tonight(sat).

cher said...

i set my standards low. reeeally low. then if i accomplish ANYTHING at all, I'm pretty darn happy with myself


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